My eyebrows shoot up in curiosity, “Spark?”

“I’m Spark,” the one in the middle grunts. He points to the mischievous one, “Rites. Crucify,” he nods toward the muscular one. He must see the confusion on my face because he explains, “They’re our road names.”

I bite my lip as I nod slowly, everything in my body heightened the longer I’m around these men. I should not want to have anything to do with them, but there’s something about them drawing me closer. I want to know them.

It makes no damn sense, but I’ve learned to listen to myself and my instincts over the years, especially after I was told to suppress who I am and what I feel for so long.

“It’s nice to officially meet you. I’m Navy,” I murmur softly, unsure if they know my name.

The image of the three men in front of me with women on their laps flashes in my mind and I find myself taking a step back. I don’t need that kind of stress in my life, not when there’s something I’ve never felt before begging me to get closer to these men.

And all three of them? That’s a new feeling and one I’m not sure that I like.

Before I can take another step, Spark’s hand shoots out and cups the back of my neck. The contact has me freezing in place.

“Don’t run off, Siren,” there’s a warning and a demand in his voice. It’s clear he’s the kind of man who is used to being listened to and getting what he wants. “We need to talk.”

I swallow hard and nod slowly, “Okay.”

I glance over at the bartender whose eyes are bouncing back and forth between me and the men in front of me, concern etched on his face. When he looks at me, I give him a smile because I’m not afraid and I don’t think I’m in any danger. If they wanted to, they could have carted me out of here already.

They haven’t. And I have to admit that I’m curious about what they want.

There’s only one way to find out.



I focus on the woman in front of us because I know Crucify has his head on a swivel and is making sure our asses are covered. We’ve never come into Club Sin and caused a scene; we know and respect the rules, but we also need a moment of our woman’s time.

The last few weeks have been torture, but I was determined to find our woman without involving Friar and his computers. It would have been easier if I had, but the reward—seeing her perform on stage again—was well worth it.

We would have missed out if he had just given me her address and we showed up at her door. Also, that probably would have freaked her the fuck out. Rightfully so.

“How about we go and have a seat?” I motion toward a sitting area that’s tucked in a corner, the need to have a little privacy with our woman riding me hard.

She nods and starts to glide toward the empty area. When we sit, I’m not surprised that Spark flashes us a look of warning before sitting down next to Navy. The big fucking softie.

Navy’s curious eyes look at us as a moment of silence settles around us. Spark clears his throat and I’m only mildly surprised that he’s the one taking up this conversation. Let’s hope he doesn’t just demand her compliance.

“I’m not going to lie to your or beat around the bush.” He clenches his jaw before glancing at Crucify and me. “We want you,” he drops the bomb without much of a warning.

Navy’s eyes widen and she squeaks, “We?”

“We,” Crucify confirms, leaning back slightly, his eyes scanning the room.

“Uh,” she starts, her eyes darting between us as a delicious flush works over the tops of her full, round tits and up her neck. She shakes her head slightly and swallows hard. “I’m not sure what to say to that.”

I smirk at her. “Just tell us that you’ll go up to the room and have a good night with us,” there’s a tease in my voice.

The way she blinks at me, innocence coating her features, is sexy as fuck. My cock throbs behind the fly of my jeans, reminding me how I’ve been waiting for this moment for far too long.

The thought of touching anyone else was disgusting to me though. Not after seeing Navy. It was a new experience that’s for fucking sure; one I’ve never had before.

“We’ll show you a good time, Siren,” Crucify growls.

Spark grunts, “That’s my name for her.”