Crucify chuckles and shrugs, not giving a shit. “It fits her, Prez,” he insists and he’s not fucking wrong.
I watch as the wheels in Navy’s head churn. I’m unsure which way she’s going to go with this, and I can only hope that she’s going to give us a chance. I know we haven’t told her everything we want from her, but if we can get to spend tonight with her, it’s the chance we need.
Sure, she might not think it’ll be more than that, but we’ll show her exactly who we are and what we can give her. That’s a great fucking first step.
“I don’t like being whipped,” she blurts and then her eyes go comically wide.
Spark chuckles, and that’s more surprising than Navy’s confession. I look at my Prez, fully shocked, but he doesn’t look at me. He’s staring at Navy like she’s a shooting star. It’s kind of adorable.
“We won’t be whipping you,” he assures her.
I share a glance with my brothers, and I know we’re all thinking about what we would like to explore with our woman. Sure, we’ve tried a lot of things in the past, but there’s a different kind of feeling to electrostim play. I think it’s some sort of primal feeling associated with harnessing a force like electricity.
It makes you feel like a god. And it can be pleasurable as fuck for your partner.
Navy bites her lip and starts to nod slowly as her eyes roam over us. “I am curious,” I admit.
Spark stands up and offers her his hand and prompts, “We should satisfy your curiosity then.”
The way her eyes light up and sparkle has my dick begging o be buried inside of her. I have a feeling not even being buried inside of her is going to satisfy me. Not once at least. I’m not entirely sure that a lifetime will be enough, but it might be.
I hold my damn breath until Navy reaches up and slips her hand into his. He pulls her up and lets out an oof as she collides with his chest. She fidgets slightly as she looks between the three of us and it’s adorable as fuck.
I basically only focus on Navy’s ass as Spark leads up toward the elevator that takes us up to where Room One Hundred and Four is located. The air around us crackles with anticipation the closer we get and it’s almost too much for me to handle. I want to play with Navy almost more than I want to take my next breath.
The way her hips sway is sexy as hell and my palms are begging to give her ass a squeeze. When she glances back at me and a small, sweet smile graces her lips, I know I’m a fucking goner for this woman. I know it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I’m not going to fight it.
Why would I?
The thought of this woman being mine, ours, is intoxicating.
When we step inside of the room and Crucify closes the door behind us, Navy’s eyes widen slightly. The interior is decorated in a rich, lush burnt orange color and is modern and luxurious without being too over the top.
“Wow,” she murmurs as she looks at the display of electrostim toys on a small bookshelf against one of the walls.
That’s why this has always been the room I prefer the most. There are some things that are individually wrapped for single use, and I know that anything else is extensively sterilized and cleaned.
Navy turns toward us, her dark blue eyes wide, but there’s no fear there, only curiosity.
“What’s all this?”
“Have you ever experimented with electrostim toys?” I walk up to where Navy is looking at the insert options which are still wrapped in their packaging. My hand glides down her back and I watch as a shiver overtakes her body. “A TENS unit or a violet wand for example?”
“No,” she whispers, her eyes flitting over the attachments for one of the e-stim toys. “I mean,” she swallows hard and looks over her shoulder at Spark and then turns back to me. “I’ve used a vibrator, but I have a feeling you’re talking about more than that.”
As I grin at her, the need I have to bury my hands in the short strands of her hair and taste her mouth before showing her the pleasure we can bring to her is riding me hard. She’s going to love every moment of it. I already know.
“We’ll always make sure you’re safe, Navy,” Crucify steps up to the other side of her, reassurance lighting up his eyes. “We’ll never push you too far.”
“Let us give you pleasure, Siren,” there’s a plea in my voice.
When she looks over at Spark, he gives her a nod. I don’t know if it’s reassuring or not considering the stoic expression on her face, but she straightens her shoulders anyway. With a nod she looks at me like she’s waiting for what’s next and fire rushes through my veins.
I start walking her through what’s on display in front of us and making sure to show her all the ways that her safety has been insured, including pointing out what is new to use and what has been sanitized. I try to keep the excitement out of my voice, but I know I’ve failed when she grins at me, her eyes alight with the same kind of mischief my brothers know me for.
As I finish up all the safety stuff, the tension mounts in the room as I take a deep breath. “Do you have a safe word?”
She shrugs one shoulder, her voice a soft lullaby with an edge of curious excitement, “I’ve always used the color system.” She bites her lip before rushing out, “Not that I’ve had a lot of play experience and definitely nothing like this.”