“Baby, don’t leave me in my personal version of hell, take me with you, even if it’s not in this world but beyond…” he sings, his voice thick with tears. The heartbreaking lyrics of “You’re My Stars.”
I clutch his back tighter as we dance under the starless night with his heartbeat and husky voice as accompaniment.
We sway and sway and I inhale his unique scent of safety and comfort, even though my heart is heavy and tinged with sadness from the agony leaching out from his voice.
I shush him, sliding my hand over his back in comfort, and he presses another kiss into my hair as he guides me into a shaky rhythm.
Closing my eyes, I relish in the heat of his embrace, the love in his voice, even if everything feels so heavy. I’ll save you, Steven, from whatever is plaguing you.
“Take me with you to the beyond…because you’re the stars in my skies,” he whispers as we stop.
Without another word, he carries me to the bedroom and tucks me under the covers before crawling in next to me and drawing me into his arms, wrapping me in his familiar scent of the ocean and leather, the feeling of love and safety.
Then I feel it, wetness dripping on my forehead.
He trembles but remains quiet. He’s crying silent tears. The man who once said he has no emotions is broken into pieces before me and I’m helpless to stop it.
The tears I’ve been holding in for so long finally slide down my cheeks, wetting my pillow.
As the storm batters the city outside, a hurricane blows through our hearts and after long moments of silent tears and hidden anguish, we fall into a deep sleep.
I knew he left before my eyes flutter open. I can feel the emptiness in the apartment, the stark absence of him. I don’t want to open my eyes, to face whatever reality awaits me because somehow, I know I won’t like what I’ll find there.
But I’m not a coward. I’m not one to shy away from problems. I’m Grace Peyton, the girl from the seediest part of the South Bronx who, despite all odds, graduated with honors and became a consultant for a top investment banking firm. I’m the person who did everything she could possibly do to keep her family together, to pay off the loan from the loan shark, to pay for her sister’s tuition at ABTC. I’m the girl who dared to fall in love, despite vowing to myself never to step into Mom’s shoes.
I’m brave and I won’t shy away from this.
If I fall and break my legs, my heart and body battered and bloodied, I’ll still get back up and survive.
I inhale deeply, his scent of the sea and worn leather filling my lungs, and I force my eyes open. Sunlight streams in from the windows, warm and bright, like the storm last night were figments of our imaginations. Steven’s side of the bed is empty, as I expected, but on top of his pillow lies an envelope with my name on it.
With shaking hands, I take out a folded sheet of paper and a photo. Setting the photo aside, I read the letter on top first.
My darling Grace,
Perhaps you’re the brave one between the two of us. I don’t know how to break the news to you in person. I don’t know how to watch your world crumble, just like mine did in LA. I hope you can forgive me for telling you the truth on paper instead.
I know who your father is. He’s much closer than I’d ever thought possible.
Grace, a long time ago, my father had an affair with your mother and you and your sister were born as a result. Remember the story I told you at dinner about that one stormy night when I saw my father’s other family, when he gave them all his hugs and kisses? That night, I remembered seeing a little girl clinging to her mother in the pouring rain as they sobbed together. My father was crying along with the storm. My memory had holes in it, and I didn’t realize until now, until my mother told me…
That little girl is you.
I gasp, my heart bolting to my throat, choking me, and a sudden wave of dizziness hits me. Quickly grasping the bed frame, I steady myself as old memories flood into my mind.
I had only been on a plane two times in my life. One time was the beautiful trip to Hawaii with Uncle Bobby, the only time I got a taste of what a family vacation would feel like. The other time also revolved around him. Taylor was at a weekend sleepover and Mom rushed me to the airport and we flew across the country.
I remembered the storm, the rain, the loud thunder, which terrified me every time it rumbled after the lightning flashed around us. I remembered Uncle Bobby kneeling in front of me, his eyes wet with tears, blending with the rain as he held out his arms.
I remembered hugging him and him hugging me back and kissing my hair. I remembered how, on the way back to the airport, Mom told me we wouldn’t see Uncle Bobby again.
And now…I suddenly remember the shadow of a boy older than me, hiding behind the windows, who looked so heartbroken and sad. But he disappeared after Uncle Bobby gave me the last hug. I always thought it was a child’s imagination, my psyche inventing a companion during one of the most heartbreaking nights of my life.
Someone to share my burden and pain with.
My lungs heave in pants of air as I quickly read the rest of the letter.
I’m your half-brother, Grace. I learned the truth after I went home to tell my parents about our triumph over Voss. Mother is devastated in a way I’ve never seen her behave before. Father fainted from the shock when I confronted him. It turns out the reason Mother was so against us wasn’t because of your background. It’s because you’re my sister.