Their fingers open, readying to wrap around his shaft to jerk him off.

I don’t like this. I don’t want this. I…

The next thing I know, I’m distracting them and wrapping my own hand around Remy’s dick.

He groans, chest heaving, eyes snapping straight to mine, lips wet with spit. He’s reading me, analyzing me, seeing the panic in my eyes I’m trying to hide. He’s looking at me like he wants me, but also like he doesn’t recognize me.

Because yeah, I’m Zahn Dare, Mr. No Limits, the one who hates monogamy, wants variety, and has no desire to be tied to one particular person, and my hand is currently on Remy’s dick because… I got possessive.

Chapter 22

I fucking knew it. I didn’t expect him to act on it, but I saw it throughout the night. Little flashes in his eyes and strategically placed hands on my body.

Zahn fucking Dare just got possessive.

With his hand on my cock and our eyes connected, I can’t even breathe through the feeling of utter want as he slides his hand up and down, already milking precum from me like his touch is magic.

“Remy,” he groans my name, maybe to ask if this is okay, or maybe to tell me he can’t stop even if it isn’t. The green of his eyes brightens, his jaw slackens, and his breathing intensifies as he works through the admittance of what just happened.

He got possessive of me. Me. I, Remy fucking Rivers, just pulled a territorial action out of Zahn Dare. Pride swells in my chest.

I thrust my hips to fuck his fist, giving him permission without words. He moans, and then the girl sucking him off moans, probably getting a mouthful of precum. Her boyfriend, the rockstar with a nice body and a lot of tattoos, gives me a little smirk. He saw that. And he’s okay with it.

I watch everything, but my attention stays on Zahn’s hand. He’s never touched my dick before, and the way he uses precum as lube and twists his wrist on every upstroke has me already close to combusting. When his thumb swipes over the tip, I jolt.

“Fuck,” I moan, my eyes flutter shut. “Fuck.”

Zahn, either wanting to end this because he got possessive, or unable to control himself because he’s so into it, grabs the girl’s hair and forces her mouth to fuck his cock with the same tempo as his hand is fucking mine. His eyes meet mine again, and the signal is clear. He wants us to come together.

When he smirks, it presses my big red button, and that’s all it goddamn takes.

“Holy fucking shit, Zahn,” I complain and moan and wiggle. My orgasm hits like a bullet, sharp and abrupt. I rip my eyes from his to watch my cock throb in his hand, coating his fingers in cum that he uses as lube.

“Dammit, Remy,” he groans.

The chick with her face in his lap moans around him, and his eyelashes flutter as he comes into the condom he’s wearing. He keeps his eyes on mine, slowing his strokes, holding his breath as she swallows all of him. Her boyfriend isn’t far behind, and when the tether snaps and reality sets back in, Zahn looks at me with a fucking blush on his cheeks.


What the hell is going on tonight?

But this couple we’re with aren’t done. They start going at it again, grabbing at us to join.

“I’m done, Remy.” Zahn looks at me, whispering. “I hate admitting it, but I’m done. You can stay.” Jealousy flashes in his gaze.

I grin at him. He tells me to fuck off. “Mad dash?” I mouth the words to him.

He laughs. We make quick work of cleaning up, and I’m pretty sure I used the shirt he’s now wearing to clean off my dick, but whatever. On the way out, the couple asks us to flip the sign to green, meaning they’re open to more people joining, and then we’re out of there and right out of the club.

When we get outside and down the sidewalk a ways, Zahn pushes my back to a brick wall, trips on the snowbank, and his chest hits mine. “Why the fuck is shit so good with you?” he asks, like I know the answer.

I’m about to call him out on getting possessive, but he honestly looks a little freaked out, so I bite my tongue.

“Did you… was that…?” I’ve never known him to hesitate, so I tilt my head at him and grin again. “Fuck you, Rem. Was it good?”

I push him away and stand straight. “I got off, didn’t I?”

“Because of them or…?”