Page 84 of Scores Of The Heart

He chuckles. “It will go down, eventually.”


He presses his fingers to my lips. “It’s about you right now Cinds, and I want you to be comfortable before we take things further, if we take things further.”

I bite my lip, feeling a little bad if I leave him high and dry.

“I didn’t know tonight was going to go like this,” I confess.

“Honestly, me either,” he says. “But you are beautiful, Cindy, and if no one has told you that before, I plan to rectify that too.”

“I think you already have.”

“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

”I like your confidence.”

“I like that you even let me into your apartment in the first place. And I think your dog likes me, he hasn’t moved a muscle.”

We glance at Henry laying with his paws stretched out like he has no cares in the world, and realistically he doesn’t.

“He looks pretty comfortable,” I laugh, shaking my head. “That’s a good sign, you know.”

“I bet it is.”

“Considering I haven’t had any guys over here before.”

“No one?”

“Nope. Only had a few dates since college, and I wasn’t inviting any of them back here.”

The corner of his mouth turns up, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was happy about that. “I think you and Henry make a good team,” he says. “He’s a good little protector.”

“He is,” I agree as I slide off his lap and pull him with me so I’m laying on my back as he hovers over me. “I like being close like this.”

“I do too.”

“Did you think we’d end up like this and all after winning the Stanley Cup?”

He chuckles. “No, I just think I hoped we would.”

He makes me feel so damned safe. I love the way he’s hovering over me now, looking down at me but holding his body weight off. My body is still buzzing from my orgasm and I can feel the flush still burning my cheeks.

I pull him closer.

“Cindy,” he warns.

I scrunch my forehead in confusion. “What?”

“You’re not ready for that.”

“How do you know?”

“Trust me.”

“How do you know I’m not?”

He smiles a small smile and dips down to kiss me softly. “From what you’ve told me, I think I have a fair idea.”