Page 85 of Scores Of The Heart

“I don’t think what we just did is exactly taking things slow.”

“Baby steps,” he says, moving some stray strands of hair from out of my face.

“Lay with me at least,” I say. “My body is still humming.”

He chuckles and falls down at my side, pulling my back to his front and wrapping his big arms around me. “I’m glad about that, Cind.”

“I like how you call me that.”

He breathes into my neck, kissing me softly, the faint stubble on his face brushing my skin lightly. I can’t say I’ve ever felt more at home or more safe.

Especially when Henry trots on over to us and snuggles up right in front of me.

“He definitely likes me,” Ty muses. “I just hope his mama does, too.”

I laugh faintly, closing my eyes and enjoying this moment. “Do you even have to ask?”

* * *

The aftermath of the Hawks winning the cup is a marathon, I realize, not a sprint.

And there’s all kinds of press conferences and interviews that I didn’t know about afterwards.

Tyler ends up spending the night on the couch with me. We genuinely fell asleep watching the rest of the movie and after some coffee and a round of toast in the morning. I dropped him off back at his car at the stadium. There was no more funny business because we woke up late and he had a meeting with the team and some interviews to attend, which means my dad is going to be busy most of the day as well.

I’m still reeling at Ty being in my apartment at all, much less spending the night. I know I need to talk to Susie ASAP and try to get my feelings under control. And a little bit of bestie's time might be the best way to navigate that.

I don’t for one minute think it was wrong, but it’s not something I’m used to.

The way he made me feel last night was like nothing else I’ve ever experienced, and not just from the mind-blowing orgasm he gave me with my clothes on.

The guy has skills. That’s all I can say.

But it’s obviously not just that with him. We have a connection, and he’s a very decent man. Especially because he was clearly turned on and wasn’t expecting me to do anything in return.

We literally snuggled and watched the rest of Sweet Home Alabama before we both fell asleep cuddling.

I smile, thinking back to our coffee and toast encounter this morning.

“No one would even believe you were sitting at my counter right now if I told them, you know.”

“I think we would surprise a lot of people,” he said. “Speaking of which, after the charity game, I think we need to talk to your dad. That at least gives me a couple more weeks to figure this out.”

“I think that’s a good idea,” I told him. “It’s been hard enough trying to navigate this as it is. Sneaking around out of sight won’t be a problem then.”

“Though it does kinda make it exciting,” he said with a cheeky smile. “Being it’s kinda forbidden and all being a workplace romance.”

“As well as the coach’s daughter,” I reminded him, like he could forget.

“Almost makes it like forbidden fruit,” he mused, kissing my forehead.

He was still very cuddly in the morning and seeing him moving around my apartment was kind of a shock. Especially when the events of last night unfolded in my head.

The part that shocks me the most is how comfortable it all feels with him and how quickly it has all come together. And I love it. It feels natural. Even if I was a little embarrassed about last night and my reaction to him. Plus, some of the things I admitted were intense, but again, it’s not enough for me to get scared or want to stop.

I even told him about Damon! It’s not something I’ve ever divulged just off that bat like that, but Tyler listened and was perfectly understanding.

He seems to like me for me and that’s the part I’m really digging the most.