“I know, he’s divine.”
“Do you think things could go anywhere?”
“I might have to dig into my contract a little deeper.” Though I know by now pretty much what it says. I remember a list of what is considered appropriate for romantic relationships in the team, though I haven’t read over it since things progressed with Tyler. It’s not like it was ever a thing for me.
“Does it make any difference if your dad is the coach?” she asks.
“Well, he doesn’t exactly make all the rules,” I say. “But I’m fairly sure he’d be against it. I mean, do you think Tyler is really that into me?”
She laughs. “Who are you kidding? From what you said, it seems like he’s head over heels.”
“That’s true,” I admit.
“It’s been long enough. You should go for it.”
“You sound like my sister,” I chuckle.
“Speaking of which, thank God she was there on Sunday. I’m sorry about your mom.”
She knows it’s a sore subject for me at times and all the goings on of my growing up.
“It’s okay. I should know better than to think we can have one lunch when I haven’t seen her in ages.”
“Have you talked to her since?”
“Nope, she tried to call later that night,” I sigh. “I guess I have to sooner or later. It’s not like I can trade her for another Mom.”
“I guess not.”
I get the life my mom has is the only one she knows. But I still don’t understand a lot of her reasoning, considering I’ll now be classed as the devil for saying the F word in front of her.
Like she can read my mind, Susie is giggling down the line. “I can’t believe you said what you said.”
I shake my head at the memory. I mean, it wasn’t funny at the time, but her shocked face was priceless. “She gets me so mad, Suse. She sees no wrong doing in what she’s spouting. And wonders why I went crazy at her.”
“So not cool.”
“I mean, why would I ever want to know he’s still seeing the same girl he cheated on me with all those years ago?”
“I have no idea.”
It may be long in the past, but being cheated on and actually finding them at it that day still haunts me. That’s why I don’t like it being brought up and prefer not to think about it.
Damon changed the course of my life with what he did. I’d still be back in Buffalo with a husband and God knows how many kids by now. I’d probably even have the white picket fence to go with it.
Maybe it all turned out for the best in some respects. I’m happy where I am in myself. I like my job, and I love my apartment. Most of all, I love my friends and Henry.
I don’t see what’s wrong with my life, other than I don’t have a guy in it.
And I’ve been weird on the dating front my entire life, but that’s probably my only major quirk. One that I’m hoping I will be able to remedy sooner rather than later; my mind flicks to Tyler and I blush. That kiss…
“Keep me posted anyway, on how your coffee date goes. Where are you going to go?”
“Oohla,” I say. Just thinking about it causes the flutters in my stomach to erupt, as well as in other places. The thing I loved the most about him being there in the car that night was how big he was. The way I felt protected around him, which is absurd because I don’t know him from Adam. But he has something that makes me feel safe. It’s like it’s automatic.
I liked having him in my space. I liked touching him and he touching me. And god, I loved those lips.
I can barely think about them without feeling it in my panties. He gets me feeling very unnerved every single time. It’s almost too much being in close proximity to him. But I’ll have to navigate my way through that if we’re catching up for coffee.