Page 46 of Scores Of The Heart

Fake it until you make it, right?

I’m confident in every other aspect, just not around dating.

But Tyler makes me feel comfortable, and I can’t wait to hear what he has to say tomorrow. I’ve been waiting for it all week.

“Talk to you tomorrow,” Susie says before we hang up.

“Goodnight, Suse.”

* * *

Things at work are like I’ve never been away. Andrea is buzzing around our office like no one’s business.

“You’re chirpy this morning,” I comment, looking up from my computer with my large black framed reading glasses. Caitlin says they make me look ultra smart so that’s a bonus.

“I just got some leave approved.” She grins, pushing up her specs. “You know how much I’ve been missing things at home, my parents, namely.”

Andrea is Canadian. Her parents and family live in Vancouver. “At least you don’t have far to go,” I chuckle.

“I know.” She beams. “I’ll wait until the finals are over, of course.”

“You deserve a break,” I say. “You’ve worked so hard this season.”

“Says you who hasn’t taken a vacation since she started working here.”

I sigh and fold my arms over my chest as I sit back in my swivel chair.

“I will one of these days.”

She gives me a double eyebrow waggle. She texted me yesterday saying Tyler was asking about me in the cafeteria. It was cute.

“We texted back and forth while I was off work,” I say to her unasked question.

“I have to say, he seemed disappointed that you weren’t at the meeting,” Andrea giggles. “I told you he has it bad.”

“Hardly.” I haven’t told her about the kiss thing, but she knows we ran into each other when Suse and I were out having dinner the other night.

“And you should have seen Simon when he came strolling up to our table in the cafeteria,” she continues, laughing at the memory. “He didn’t know where to look.”

“Yeah, Tyler has that effect on a person,” I agree.

“How are you gonna play this?” She whispers conspiratorially.

“I have no idea,” I whisper back in an exaggerated tone behind the back of my hand. “Just take it as it comes, I guess.”

“I’m sure it makes it more intimidating for him that his boss is technically your dad.”

“Don’t remind me.”

“I’m sure there are ways and means around it.” Andrea shrugs. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

I can’t help but laugh. “No truer words spoken.”

I’m itching to see him by the time I’m off work. I haven’t seen him around at all during the day. Not even in the cafeteria for lunch. I know they are gearing up for the game away this week and all the team’s focus is being poured into that.

I like the fact he wanted to make some time with me before he travels away, though.

That part has me smiling, and maybe it’s stupid, but it makes me feel special.