Page 13 of Scores Of The Heart

“Ahhhh,” he calls out, clearly in the throes of passion.

I’m frozen to the spot, feeling like I’m trapped in a nightmare. I want to be sick.

OH MY GOD. It is my Damon!

A chill runs through me, even though my cheeks are heated from the realization. I don’t know what possesses me, but I stand up and march around to the side entrance. I get to the utility, trying the door and pulling the old thing open.

The idiots didn’t even lock it from the outside.

They don’t even hear me at first, they’re making that much noise.

I stand there aghast as I see Jessica Plath topless, her skirt rucked up to her hips and her very large breasts on display, slapping against Damon’s chest as they continue to move.

Damon’s black jeans hang low on his thighs, his ass hanging out as he thrusts back and forth.

“What the hell!” Jessica screams over his shoulder when she finally notices me. At the same time, I let out an almighty wail.

Damon immediately stops as Jessica tries to cover herself in a mad scramble.

They’re both staring at me. Damon is like a deer caught in headlights.

What the hell do they think they’re doing?

“What is this?” I screech, glancing down at my betrothed as he quickly pulls back from Jessica and tries to zip himself back up. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him even remotely naked.

He’s all fingers and thumbs.

“Holy shit,” he stands there looking bewildered, not knowing what to do next.

Jessica still can’t seem to find her bra. She eventually just hides behind his back.

“Look, Cindy, I can explain.” He tries to reach out for me.

Of all the nerve! He still has Jessica pushing her boobs into his back to hide from me.

“Explain!” I yell. I run my hands through my hair, moving from one foot to the other. My heart is racing so badly I think I’m going to burst from the inside out. I don’t know whether to run or to hit them both with something. The idea is very tempting. “Did you trip over and land in Jessica’s vagina!”

“It’s not what it seems… I promise.”

How the hell can he be trying to reason right now? And why isn’t Jessica saying anything?

“Not what it seems? I saw you doing it through the window! You’re disgusting!” I add, as tears stream down my face. “The pair of you.”

Damon and I have been courting since we were fifteen. We’ve both turned eighteen and are almost graduating from high school, where we will go off to college. After that, we’ll get married. Damon was keen to get hitched as soon as possible since we’re both waiting for marriage before we have sex. At least, I thought he was waiting.

I thought we were both virgins.

“Look, the temptation was too much, Cindy. I’ll repent! I swear it!”

I grab the nearest thing, which happens to be a bag of dried pasta, and hurl it at him. Unfortunately, it hits his shoulder instead of his head, and Jessica screams as the bag is partly open and dried pasta flies out everywhere.

“You deserve each other. Do you know that?”

“You can’t tell anyone!” Jessica cries. “Please, Cindy! We didn’t mean to. One thing lead to another…”

I wipe the tears with the backs of my hands and shake my head. I can’t even look at them anymore. Caitlin will be waiting for me, anyway. She’s probably wondering where I got to, and I can’t let her see this. I quickly pivot on my heel and run out the way I came in, slamming the utility door behind me.

I run all the way to the front of the church, where Caitlin is waiting by the swings.