Page 55 of Bishop

“What the fuck happened?” Hammer demanded, not having been there for the fight, as he was working late at the Club-owned auto body shop.

“Those dead-men-walking thought they could try and rape Amelia and Evie tonight,” I spit out, the words tasting as bitter as poison in my mouth. “I would have killed that piece of shit maggot, Maze, but the police showed up before I could finish the job. I think Hawk might have succeeded with Ace, though. After our Brother was done with him, the cocksucker was missing even more teeth than when I’d stomped in his fucking skull at the last Halloween party.”

“So you’re saying the Watchmen were stupid enough to assault Amelia and the hot brunette who cooks for us?” Hammer clarified, looking utterly bewildered. “How the fuck did they even get their hands on Devil women in the first place? Weren’t they being watched by our guys?”

“Boots was with them,” Hawk said, blazing heat emanating from his steely gaze. “He took a hell of a beating, but he stood his ground. However, I can see now one prospect isn’t going to be enough when the women leave the compound. The Watchmen want to humiliate us and they’re using our women to do it. We’re going to need to rectify that immediately. The cops showing up only delayed the inevitable. We’re going to burn that startup Club down to fucking ash and bone the first chance we get.”

“What happened when the cops showed up?” Bomb asked then, clearly peeved he hadn’t been there for the fight. I think my Brother liked brawling more than anyone I knew, and that was saying something.

“Pussies that they are, The Watchmen turned tail and ran at the first sign of trouble. The people at the bar who weren’t with the Club had left as soon as they saw what was going down with our women. It was only Devils there when the pigs pulled into the bar. Bastards couldn’t do a fucking thing about it because we told them we were just there for a beer and some fun.”

“Bet that drove them fucking nuts,” Bomb said, grinning ear to ear.

“Sure did,” Reaper shot back, fingering the fresh cut along his cheekbone. “They tried tying us up with petty technicalities. But there wasn’t any proof of a brawl, despite a few bruises and some broken bottles, so they had to piss off with nothing but their sad little dicks in their hands.”

We all had a good laugh at that. “Whatever we do with the Watchmen, we have to be clever about it. The cops are going to be on our asses after what they witnessed at Magpies. The last thing we need is for another Brother to end up wrongly behind bars.”

Everyone nodded solemnly at that point. My fists clenched hard as I imagined how best to make those fuckers pay. They couldn’t just face any death. It had to fit their crime. It had to be bloody and painful.

Reaper’s face turned savage. “I’m going to call the Knights right after our meeting. Speak with Trainor about what happened tonight. If the Watchmen want enemies, they’ve certainly been going about it the right way. Now they’ll have two Clubs to defend against, not just one. Mark my words, they won’t last another month after this shit. The Watchmen just entered a double-fronted war they aren’t prepared to fight. And they ain’t going to win it.”

I knew he was right, but I still wasn’t satisfied. The animal in me wanted to head down to their Clubhouse tonight, bust in their front door, and slit all of their motherfucking throats. But I knew that wouldn’t do anything but satisfy my lust for revenge. Like Reaper said, we needed to be smart about this. And playing the long game was smart.

“The Watchmen recently opened a shop in Aimsville,” Hammer informed us. “If we want to hurt them, I say we target their money. I vote their new shop has a very unfortunate electrical fire that burns that bank-owned place down to the ground. And I know a guy who’s perfect for the job,” he gleefully added.

I smiled, appreciating my Brother’s ingenuity. Reaper must have felt the same way, because he grinned big and said, “If your guy can be trusted, make the call. Let me know what his price is and I’ll free up the funds. Just make sure nothing can be traced back to the Club.”

Hammer bobbed his head. “Won’t cost us a dime, Prez. He owes me several favors after all the work I’ve done on his 1940 Indian rebuild.”

“Even better,” Reaper said, leaning back in his chair and cracking his blackened knuckles.

“A little birdie tells me their Vice President has a nasty gambling habit,” German added then. “It would be a shame if the man made the wrong investment, got in deep, and got his head beat in as payment for his misstep.”

“A total shame,” Reaper agreed, liking the direction of this meeting more and more.

Hawk’s keen gaze sharpened then. “Since you have connections everywhere, German, find out why Ace is no longer with the Mavericks. That shit can’t be kosher. I’ve never even heard of them ousting one of their own, let alone someone leaving voluntarily. I want the details before I bury the man six feet under. My girl deserves that much.”

“I’m on it,” German agreed. “No one puts a finger on Devil women without paying for it.”

Hawk and he exchanged a moment of quiet understanding before one of the old timers, Grit, spoke up. “Blood pays in blood, gentleman. We’ve got their Club covered. We’ve got their money covered, but how are we going to make them well and truly bleed for what they did to Devil women?”

I looked Grit dead in the eye. “Leave that part to me and Hawk.” Lending my Brother a chin nod, I knew we were thinking the same thing. “We’ll bathe this town in Watchmen blood by the time we’re done, gentlemen. Don’t you worry.”

* * *


After changing into some clean clothes, I texted Amelia to see how she was doing. She told me she was fine but needed a glass of wine to calm her nerves. She’d asked me how I was feeling. I replied I was spooked, but okay now that I was at the Clubhouse with Matty.

Amelia sent a smiley face emoji in return. She was at the Clubhouse, too, and thought we should have a drink together to commiserate. Needing to make a quick phone call first, she told me she’d meet me in the rec room as soon as she was done so we could grab whatever booze we were in the mood for.

Suddenly chilled to the bone, I dug through Matty’s closet for a warm hoodie I could borrow. I found one with the Devil’s Riders logo on it and pulled it over my head. Looking in the mirror, I smiled when I saw how big it was on me. The material swallowed me whole and pooled at my knees. I loved it! On the back of the black sweatshirt material was the name ‘Bishop’ in capital letters.

I had a moment of hesitation when I reached for the door handle, but decided I was being foolish. He’d said I could borrow anything from him that I needed. If he didn’t want me to wear any of his clothes, he would have said as much.

Besides, it was just a dang sweater. It didn’t say anything about our relationship. I was reading too much into all of this. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ears, I exited Matty’s room and went downstairs to get that drink with Amelia.

Finding my way back to the rec room, I peeked my head inside. I knew I was in the right place when I saw a fully stocked bar just beyond the pool table.