Page 54 of Bishop

After the shock of my second orgasm wore off, and his body had ceased abutting mine, Matty reluctantly pulled free of me. Standing erect, I looked down and realized I was missing one shoe. At some point in our animalistic tryst, it must have come off.

Matty laughed. “Is this what you’re looking for?”

He held up my black ballet flat. I giggled, feeling so light and airy after my two world-altering orgasms. “Um, yeah. I’m going to need that before we get back on your bike.”

Matty hauled me in for a slow, sensual kiss that kickstarted my libido all over again before he handed it over. “Here. You’re also going to need to put these back on, I’m afraid.”

I groaned when I saw the pants I’d been wearing. They had bits of debris and dirt all over them. Shaking them free of the bulk of it, I reluctantly shimmied them up my legs. I didn’t even bother to look for my panties. Those were obviously a lost cause after Matty had ripped them off and tossed them somewhere into the dark.

When I was dressed, Matty shook his head and grinned. “You look so fucking good right now, I’m tempted to rip off all of your clothes and bend you back over my bike again.”

I blushed, not entirely opposed to the suggestion.

Matty checked his phone and sighed. “Unfortunately, we need to head back to the Club. I have an emergency meeting. Come on,” he said. “You’re coming with me.”

* * *

Buse, Nevada


We pulled into the Clubhouse at around midnight. Dismounting, I helped Evie off my bike and we went inside.

“I’ll take you up to my room, Babe. I’ll get you settled before my meeting,” I explained, as we entered through the front door.

“Bishop!” Ox shouted from the rec room. “We were waiting on you, Brother.” He took one good look at my girl’s rumpled, debris-laden outfit and laughed. “Guess you took the scenic route back to the Clubhouse.”

“Something like that,” I returned, ushering Evie toward the stairs before anyone could further embarrass her. “I’ll be right back.”

“Meeting starts in five,” Ox reminded me before we disappeared to the second floor.

I didn’t want to leave Evie’s side, but duty called and I wouldn’t be gone long. Besides, she looked exhausted and like she needed a good night’s rest. After what she’d been through tonight, I didn’t blame her.

Leading her to my room at the very end of the hallway, I keyed inside and flicked on the lights. “Come on in and make yourself comfortable,” I invited.

Evie cautiously crossed the threshold. Looking around, she quietly took in my living space. On the top of my comforter rested a bag I didn’t recognize, but she seemed to.

Walking over to it, she unzipped it and said, “Amelia must have dropped this off when she got to the Clubhouse. It was the overnight bag I had with me when we went out tonight.”

Not for the first time, I was grateful for my sister’s thoughtfulness. “I have to go to Church, Babe, but I won’t be gone long. Feel free to grab whatever you want from my stuff if you don’t have everything you need in your bag.”

“Church?” she asked, looking confused.

“Our name for a Club meeting,” I quickly explained, placing a rough kiss on her mouth. “Do you need anything before I go?”

When she shook her head, I gave her one last, slower, deeper kiss, before leaving.

I walked into the meeting hall at the same time as German. The man was doing up his fly, so I could only assume he’d been making the best of the last few minutes before Church began. I didn’t blame him. If I’d thought I could have managed it, I would have tossed Evie onto my bed, stripped her buck naked, and done the same.

Taking an open seat at the table near Hawk, I noticed that German split off and went around in the opposite direction to sit near my Club Brother, Bomb.

“Lock the doors, Ox,” Reaper said, his face an unreadable mask of stone. “We’re ready to get started with this meeting.”

All the men quieted down as Ox barred the doors. The tension in the room was palpable. Anger, fury, and a desire to fight, lingered in the air like an invisible guest at our table.

“For those of you who weren’t with us tonight,” Reaper began, dark bruises along his knuckles standing out as he splayed his long fingers atop our custom-made meeting table, “we had a run-in with the Watchmen. It seems those fuckers think they can put their filthy fucking hands on our women. Lucky for us, we showed up just in time to show them they were mistaken.”

Hawk’s face, like my own, clouded with rage at the memory of how we’d found Evie and Amelia at Magpies. The brutal image caused a surge of fire to course through my veins like red, hot lava.