Are you there?
Hold your horses!
What’s the big emergency???
Tonight I was making dinner for Ian and … things happened.
What things?
Tell me more!!!!
Well, for starters, he was there in the kitchen when I went over to cook.
And I offered to come back later. And he offered to leave.
But then he just ended up staying and we talked while I cooked.
You talked.
Not talking!
Alert the town elders.
Be patient
Oh, so you didn’t just talk.
Please tell me this story ends with you covered in whipped cream.
Or him covered in whipped cream.
Are you going to listen or not?
Mostly, it was just us talking. About food and stuff.
Then he found out that I only cook for him, but eat like crap the rest of the time
You do eat like crap.
I don’t know how you’re not worried about ruining your palate.
Because my palate is fucking awesome, fuck you very much.
So, he insisted I eat with him.
Ah … so it was like a date.
But you had to make the meal.