Page 6 of Worthy

“Have you ever had anal sex?” Gina didn’t bat an eye.


“Have you ever kissed a guy? Or a girl? Or anyone?” Gina sounded genuinely intrigued.

“Sammy Stevenson in the eighth grade,” I admitted. “We played Seven Minutes in Heaven and I got stuck with him in a closet. He jammed his tongue down my throat then felt me up, too—in case you want to write that down.”

“Thanks, I will,” Gina said, fingers flying over her tablet. “So no oral, no anal, no vaginal penetration, and the only guy who ever felt you up was Sammy Stevenson in the eighth grade.”

“That’s right.” I sighed.

Gina looked up from her tablet. “How is that possible?”

“It’s a long story.”

“I’m listening,” she said.

I fidgeted in my seat. “I’m focused on taking care of my brother. He’s been really sick. He has a rare type of cancer, and it’s been… a lot.”

She nodded sympathetically. “You said he was, what, fourteen?”

I nodded. “He got diagnosed when he was twelve.”

“I’m so sorry.” Gina sounded like she meant it. “Are you his legal guardian?”

“No, not officially or anything—but my mom isn’t really in the picture. She couldn’t handle it,” I explained. “He’s been sick for a couple of years. It’s been a lot to help him keep up with his schoolwork, take him to all of his appointments, and get him into this trial.”

“I appreciate that,” she said. “That’s a lot for you to handle on your own. He’s lucky to have a sister like you.”

“Thanks.” My eyes welled up. I hadn’t done a great job of taking care of Lucas—we’d ended up homeless twice—but I’d tried my best. “Like I said, he’s the reason I’m here. The clinical trial he’s in is super expensive, and it’s working. But I can’t afford it.”

“I can help you.” Gina caught, and held, my gaze. “But my client is very demanding and particular. So, although I understand your situation, I need a crystal-clear picture for my assessment. Your sexual history, or lack thereof, is critical. Would you be willing to submit to a physical examination to prove your virginity?”

I swallowed hard. “Yes.” It would be humiliating, but I had nothing to hide.

“And also for an STD screen?”

“Yes.” My cheeks burned so much I could’ve skipped using Kylie’s blush.

“Great.” Gina’s slender fingers flew across her tablet as she typed in a note. “And I understand that you’ve been consumed with your brother’s health, but I still think there’s something else going on here. Your physical history is important, but so is your emotional one.”

I shook my head. “I don’t know what you mean.”

She raised her gaze to meet mine. “I need to understand your choices, Faith. People who run businesses and countries and have sick family members—they still have relationships. So why are you really a virgin? Is there some sort of background I need to be aware of?”

I blew out a deep breath. My friends often asked why I never dated anybody, and I always said the same thing: I was too focused on taking care of my brother. I didn’t have time for relationship drama. Which was true, but it was only part of the truth. I needed this job. And I had a feeling Gina wouldn’t be satisfied with only a half-truth.

“I never wanted to get pregnant,” I blurted out. “My mom had me at fifteen, and she was a disaster. She said she got pregnant super easy and always warned me that I’d end up just like her. I really didn’t want that to happen.” I looked down at the table.

“Is she that bad?” Gina asked.

I didn’t look up. “Yep.”

“Thanks for sharing that with me, Faith. I appreciate your honesty.”

I nodded. “Now that I spilled my guts, do you think you can tell me more about this job? Is it legit? Were you serious about the signing bonus? I really need that money…”

Gina put down her tablet. “Yes, I’m serious. My client is extremely wealthy. He has specific requirements, and so far as I can tell, you meet them. This could be quite lucrative for you—life-changing, in fact.”