Page 7 of Worthy

My palms started sweating again. “I’m listening.”

“He’s the CEO of a global empire,” she continued. “He’s opening a private club for billionaires. He retained our agency to find appropriate candidates to work at the club. This is a long-term assignment. They are looking for a commitment of a minimum of six months, but there will be a bigger signing bonus if you agree to stay for a year. And there’s a pay differential that you might qualify for.”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. What’s a pay differential?”

Gina regarded me. “There’s a signing bonus for regular club workers. For candidates who possess certain features, it’s higher.”

I held my breath.

“The client wants virgins, and he’s willing to pay top dollar. For virgins—like you—there’s a two hundred fifty thousand dollar signing bonus.”

I shook my head, trying to clear it. There was no way I’d heard her right. “I’m sorry?”

“You heard me correctly,” Gina said. “Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars is the signing bonus if your virginity is confirmed, your criminal record is clean, and so is your health screening. It’s also dependent on you committing to work and live at the club for one year.”

“A whole year?” My head was spinning.

“I know it’s a lot to take in,” Gina said. “But the client wants us to move quickly, and I think you’re perfect for this job.”

“You do?” I couldn’t keep the disbelief out of my voice. I was unemployed and homeless. I was desperate. I was wearing bubblegum-scented lip gloss I’d had to mooch off my friend.

“You’re a beautiful young woman, Faith.” Gina smiled at me for the first time. “It doesn’t sound like you’ve had an easy life, but God blessed you in other ways.”

“I-I don’t know if I can commit to a year,” I stammered, “my brother needs me?—”

“If you accept the terms, you’ll be able to take great care of your brother. I can wire you the signing bonus by the end of the week,” Gina said matter-of-factly. “And when the contract expires at the end of the year, you’ll get an even bigger payout—seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This is a million-dollar offer.”

My jaw dropped open.

“So, what do you say?” Gina asked. “Are you interested?”

I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t breathe. A million dollars. Oh my God, Lucas could have all the treatment he needed. I could afford to move him into a private room. I could afford to get him a tutor. I could afford to… eat.

I swallowed hard. “Of course I am. Where do I sign?”

Gina started talking about the particulars, about contracts, STD tests, and timeframes. I tried to listen, but all I could think about was the money. All I could think was, we’re saved.

It was only later that I realized something important.

I still didn’t know what the job was.


444 hawthorne drive


Everything was ready; the contractors had worked around the clock to finish renovating the mansion. I was headed there to meet Gina, the Madam, for our final walk-through.

This afternoon, the “girls” would arrive. I knew using the term “girls” was inappropriate—all of our new employees were young women, over eighteen, and legal adults. But referring to them as “the women” or “the young women” didn’t sound right, either. So, I’d chosen to be both politically and technically incorrect, and I was sticking to it.

The club’s official opening was tomorrow night. Rhodes and Sterling were positively beside themselves with excitement. Even I had to admit a certain electricity was in the air—Club 444 already had a full membership and boasted a three-year waiting list. We were profitable before we’d even opened the doors.

I navigated my Bentley through the sleepy town of Harbor Crest, Rhode Island, until I reached our road. Hawthorne Drive bordered the ocean. The neighborhood was scenic in a particularly New England way, with gorgeous Colonial-style estates, rolling green lawns, wild rose bushes, and the Atlantic crashing in the distance. Four hundred forty-four Hawthorne Drive was the last property on the road, separate and secluded from the neighbors—just the way we wanted it.

I checked in with the armed security guard and then slowly drove down the long drive. It was a winding gravel path hugged by rows of high bushes leading to a private paradise. As I left the main road behind, I felt as though I was entering another world.

After a minute, the mansion came into view. It was a grandiose marvel, basking in the soft glow of the morning sun, its surfaces kissed with a delicate layer of rose gold. The vast lushness of the private grounds opened up, surrounding me with beauty, stillness, and peace. A fountain bubbled in front of the house. Statues, ranging from Grecian goddesses to whimsical cherubs, stood guard among the gardens, their marble forms adding a timeless elegance to the landscape.