“Siblings?” Gina didn’t miss a beat.
“I have a younger brother, Lucas. He’s fourteen.”
“And where does your brother live?” she asked.
“Usually, he lives with me, but he’s at a treatment center right now. Which is actually why I’m here about the job. I really need the money—he’s sick, and he’s in a clinical trial, and I have to pay for it,” I babbled.
I looked over at Gina. She was so much more pulled together than me; she might as well have been a different species.
A flicker of emotion passed over her features, maybe pity, but it was gone before I could be sure. “I’m sorry to hear that. And I’m sure you’re anxious to hear more about the offer, but I have a few things to cover.”
I nodded.
“I need to ask you some personal questions about yourself and your relationships. They might seem invasive, but my client has very particular needs. I have to screen our potential hires carefully,” she said.
“Please don’t waste my time or yours by lying.” Gina looked at me levelly. “If you’re hired, you’ll be background checked. It won’t do you any good to make misrepresentations up front because I can and will find out about it. Are we clear?”
“Yes,” I said cautiously. My temples were starting to throb. What kind of job was this, anyway?
“What do you want to know?” I asked.
“Everything,” Gina answered immediately. “My client wants to know everything.”
“Let’s begin,” Gina said. “Have you ever been convicted of a felony?”
Gina tapped on her tablet. “Do you drink, vape, or use any illegal drugs?”
“No, I don’t. I never have.”
“Would you be willing to submit to a drug test?” Gina asked.
When I nodded, she continued, “Are you currently in a relationship?”
“Do you identify as heterosexual?”
“Yes,” I said.
Gina kept typing. “How many sexual partners have you had?”
My cheeks started to feel hot. “None.”
She looked up from her tablet. “You’re a virgin?”
“Yes.” My cheeks went from hot to nuclear.
“Have you ever given or received oral sex?” she asked.
“No.” Was it possible to crawl under the table and die?