Page 105 of Sweet Temptation

But now… I was rethinking that.

I’d heard every word Summer and Roni had said over dinner, and they’d definitely said some stuff that led me to believe Devoid wasn’t gay.

I still wasn’t sure, until I asked Summer about it afterward.

Well, he’s definitely invited me to have sex with him, and his girlfriend, several times, was her response. So, draw your own conclusion.

I wasn’t sure what conclusion to draw. But the fact that he’d invited Summer to fuck him was throwing me for a major loop.

I was still trying to come to grips with the fact that her friend Jewel wasn’t gay. I’d assumed he was, but then he’d spent the entire night at her house party giving out massages to every woman in the room. Apparently, he was a massage therapist, but he definitely didn’t offer me a free rubdown. And right now, he was making out with Summer’s friend Wendy in the VIP section.

Clearly, I had shit judgment on this topic. And as I looked around at the crowd… I wondered how many of these guys might actually want to fuck my client.

All of them, I decided.

The men. The women. They all wanted to fuck her.

Because up on that stage, in her silver pantsuit, Summer Sorensen was electric, and her music was nothing short of erotic.

She was a force to be reckoned with.

She was an orgasm waiting to happen.

After her show was done, the fanboys and fangirls followed her offstage, too. Long after she’d come off and the other DJ had taken over, her friends and fans continued to engulf her in the VIP area, trying to get her attention.

When she headed back to her dressing room, they crammed in there, too, drinking with her.

Offering her cocaine.

I fucking saw that, and I watched as she declined—hugging the guy, like she was softening the blow of rejecting the drugs he’d offered by pressing her tits against his chest. He looked too young for her, but he was definitely pretty, and he had an entourage of his own. When he left a while later, I heard someone say he was an actor.

By then, some other guy had already glued himself to Summer’s side.

Obviously, I totally fucking disapproved of this.

Though not particularly for security reasons.

Summer was safe. Both Andre and I were in the room, and everyone was just partying, having fun. Summer herself had approved of every person who was allowed backstage, and I was keeping a close eye on things.

Very close.

It felt to me like no one could keep their eyes off my client, including me. I kept wondering how many of these guys would fuck her in the bathroom, right now, if she said the word.

I knew I would. If I could.

By now, it was uncomfortably clear to me and my dick that I wanted her. But I knew I couldn’t have her. Simply put, it was not in her best interest for me to have her.

I wasn’t here to fuck around with her.

I was here to work.

So I just stood back and watched. I watched all the other men in the room, who thought they could have her.

Around one a.m., she finally looked over at me and gave me a head flick, like, Come over here.

I went over to her, not bothering to be subtle about it, just kinda plowing the fanboys out of the way.

“Do you think you could clear the room?” she asked me. She looked slightly exhausted, but that sparkle that’d been in her eyes all night was still there. She was sipping bubbly from a champagne glass someone had given her. “I need a moment to freshen up.”