“No problem.”
I nodded to Andre and he helped me escort everyone out. He herded them back out to the VIP area, while I stood guard outside the dressing room.
A few minutes later, Summer emerged, champagne in hand and purse under her arm.
No faux-fur coat, though, so I was assuming, for her, the party wasn’t over yet.
She was still wearing the silver pantsuit, but she’d taken off her wig. “It was giving me a headache,” she said, noticing as I watched her smooth back her dark hair. It was still in the bun. “My things are packed up. Sledge will haul them out for me with everything else. We can lock up, and the staff will let him in later.”
I made a mental note to have Andre help Sledge with that, so we didn’t have another theft.
I locked the door, and as I escorted her up the hall, back to the club, she asked me, “So, what did you think of your first DJ Summer show?”
“It was hot,” I admitted.
She grinned. “Why, thank you, Ronan.”
I glanced at her. “Honestly, it was a lot more… intense… than I expected.”
She stopped dead. “How so?”
I stopped with her. “I don’t know. I guess I pictured something a little more happy-pop-music. College girls dancing, while chachi guys pounded beers and watched them dance?”
“I guess you were wrong,” she said.
“Yeah. You’re kind of a powerhouse, DJ Summer.”
“Yes, I am,” she said.
Fuck, I liked her confidence. Her sass.
Her everything.
“And how was the security level for you?” she teased. “Did anyone breech the zone of safety?”
“Good.” She smiled.
I’d had enough teasing from her this afternoon, at her fitting, and yet I ate it up. Hungrily.
I didn’t even want her to go back out into the bar, just stand right here with me in the hall, alone, and give me the gears.
But she turned to head out there.
“You have a lot of interesting friends,” I said.
She stopped again. “Interesting… how?”
“What’s that line from the Eagles song… about all the pretty boys, the ones she calls friends?”
“He knows the lyrics to ‘Hotel California,’” she mused. “Fascinating.”
“Is it?”
“It says something about you. I’m not sure what, yet.”
“Let me know when you figure it out,” I said.