Page 37 of Sweet Temptation

I knew who Ashley was. I knew he was a rock star, another client of Brody’s, and the lead singer in Summer’s new band, the Players.

I also knew he was an ex-boyfriend of hers.

I’d been up early this morning, after only a few hours of sleep, working. Finding out everything I could about my new client. For now, that meant whatever was public knowledge, and her relationship with Ashley Player was no secret.

I’d never met him before today. But he’d seemed genuinely concerned about her in the meeting.

He caught me studying him and nodded at me over Summer’s shoulder, alerting her that I was approaching. She immediately stopped talking.

“’Sup,” he said to me, as her back straightened. He took a drag off the joint that had been dangling from his mouth.

Summer half-turned, forcing out a smile in my direction. “I’m out. Have a day,” she said to Ashley. Then she kissed him on the cheek and strut away, heading down the driveway to her car.

“What, you’re not even gonna wish me a good day?” he called after her.

“I wish you whatever kind of day you dream of,” she tossed back over her shoulder.

He chuckled, and his eyes met mine as I walked past him. That look said, Good luck, buddy.

I tailed Summer right over to her bronze Mercedes-Benz and slipped my hand around hers, just as she tugged on the door handle.

She stiffened.

“Allow me,” I said.

“Thanks, but I can open a damn door.” Her hand slipped away as I opened the door anyway. Then she got into the driver’s seat.

I leaned over the open door. “I meant, I’ll drive you.”

She tossed her purse in back and fixed her gaze on me. “Uh, no, you won’t.”

“It’s my job, Summer.”

“That may be. But this is my car. I drive it.” And with that, she yanked the door shut.

I glanced at Ashley, who was still standing by, watching this play out. He smirked at me.

I walked around the Benz as she started the car, opened the passenger door and slid in.

“Excuse me?” Summer gaped at me as I shut the door and did up my seatbelt. “Did I miss the part where I offered you a ride somewhere?”

“No offer necessary.”

“So, you just let yourself into a woman’s car without asking?”

“If that woman is my client and I’m on duty, yes. I think Ashley is waiting for you to pull out.”

She glanced up. He was standing beside his truck; he flicked the remains of his joint into the grass and grinned at her.

She gave him the finger.

“Fine.” She started up and backed us out of the driveway, gunning it unnecessarily, which I assumed was for my benefit. “But don’t take this as an admission that I wanted to hire you. You saw what happened in there. I was strong-armed into it. The guys are in a panic about nothing.”

“How much did you smoke with him?”

She looked at me. “What?”

“How much pot did you just smoke?”