“Just one puff, Dad. And I promise, I didn’t inhale.”
She gunned it up the street, cranking the music she had playing. Some dance song about… dancing. And getting wasted.
And more dancing.
According to the display on her dash it was Lady Gaga.
Then she proceeded to ignore me as she drove us back into Vancouver. She hummed along to her incredibly loud music, pretty much giving her seat a lap dance while she drove, and not because she was in a fantastic mood. Nope. She was doing her best to send me the message that I was in her world now, we were doing things her way—and I’d better stay the fuck out of her way.
Because she still needed to believe she didn’t need me.
But she was wrong about that.
When the next song kicked in, she turned the volume up even more.
“Do you think you could turn it up any louder?” I said loudly.
“What?” she shouted exaggeratedly.
I reached for the volume and nudged it down.
She rolled her eyes, and I might’ve sworn she muttered something like Killjoy under her breath.
“So, where can I take you?” she asked me.
“Wherever you’re going.”
“I can drop you at home. Where do you live?”
“I’ll come with you.”
“I’m just going home.”
I said nothing. I figured we’d already established—when some lowlife tried to break into her house last night—that “home” wasn’t safe, as it was.
Summer kept glancing at me, throwing me annoyed, disbelieving looks as she drove. “What, you’re just gonna sit around my living room while I eat lunch and do yoga?”
Right. Because watching her bend over in yoga wear was a great idea.
I’d already had my theories about her body last night, when I saw her in that silk robe. The tight black pants she was wearing right now only confirmed it and then some: the woman was sexy as hell.
It was probably a better idea if I looked at her as little as humanly possible.
Anyway, I wasn’t being paid to to look at her. My job was to look at her surroundings.
“I’ll take a better look around the property,” I told her. “And Brody has some guys coming to scope out the house for your new alarm system later. I can let them in and take care of it.”
“For how long?”
“You don’t need to worry about it. I’ll make myself as invisible as I can.”
“I’ll be working in my studio all night.”
“That’s fine.”
“It’s gonna be boring as fuck,” she informed me.
“You’re not required to entertain me.”