Page 204 of Sweet Temptation

“I’m going out to dinner.”

“Oooh. Who’s the lucky man?”

“Ronan Sterling.”

There was a silent, what-the-fuck pause. Then: “You’re going to dinner with your bodyguard?”


“That sounds suspiciously like a date, Summer.”

I grinned at myself in the mirror. My makeup and hair were done, and I was pretty sure in this lingerie I looked about as fuckable as Ronan had ever seen me.

“Who’s paying?” Elle pressed.

Hmm. Come to think of it… he’d never even let me pay for any of the takeout he’d ordered for me. “He always pays, actually.”

“What? What do you mean always? Have you been on other dates with him??”


“You’re lying!”

“Oh, bae. I would never lie to you.”

“Don’t you dare call me bae and then lie to me. I thought you two weren’t hooking up—”

“Oops, gotta go!”

Ronan had appeared in the doorway behind me; I saw him in the mirror. I hung up on Elle and turned to him.

He leaned a shoulder on the doorframe and looked me slowly up and down, drinking me and my purple lingerie in.

“You ready?” he asked, his voice husky.

“Do I look ready?”

“You look ready for something.”

I leaned back on the counter as he advanced toward me. His eyes were locked on mine, and I knew that look.

I fucking loved that look.

Desire surged in my core. My limbs flooded with warmth and I felt weirdly faint as he pressed in. The man had some serious sex magic going on. He did things to my body I was never quite ready for, even when we weren’t having sex.

He took my head in his strong hands and laid a kiss on me, and I completely melted. I fumbled around down below until I found his fly, and tore open his jeans.

He scooped me up and shoved me onto the counter, sending my cosmetics flying as he pressed his body between my legs. Then he slid a hand down into my panties… and sent me to the moon.

And that was how, on our very first official date, Ronan and I had hot, frantic sex on my bathroom counter before we even made it to dinner.

* * *

As it turned out, Ronan had made us a dinner reservation, at a very nice restaurant. Good thing, because after all the hot sex, we were hungry as hell.

We were shown to a private booth tucked into a back corner. When we were seated, I ignored the place settings that would’ve had us sitting several feet apart across the giant table, and slid right over next to Ronan on the curved bench seat.

I loved booths.