“Yes, really. I called him. And yes, he was as uncomfortable with my meddling as you are.”
Elle sighed.
“Look, Flynn respects you, Elle. And he values his job. He’s afraid it’s inappropriate. Which is why he’s the exactly right guy for you to approve of, big sister. You know he’ll treat Angie right.”
Elle made what sounded like a gagging noise.
“Why is this grossing you out?” I demanded.
“Because if I have to hear my bodyguard and my sister getting it on in the next room all over the goddamn globe now, you’re in deep shit.”
“Fine. I can live with that.”
“You’re a romantic yourself, you know that?”
“Of course I am. Glad you’re finally getting with the program.”
Elle snickered.
“Romance is the name of the game, babe. What the fuck are we all doing if we’re not looking for love? If your sister has a chance at finding that and you can help, in any way, it’s your duty as a human being.”
“Uh-huh. So what do you want me to do about it?”
“I want you to invite them both over, then leave the room. Better yet, leave the house. Then report back to me, obviously.”
“Aughhh, why am I agreeing to this? My life is perfect right now. Perfect. I’m going on the road to see my man in like two weeks and Emma is the best and everything is amazing.”
“So? This will only make it more amazing.”
“For who?”
“For them. Let them have a chance. If it’s not meant to be, it won’t work out anyway. Then he’ll leave on the road with you, and they’ll both go on with their lives. No harm, no foul.”
“Ugh. Fine.”
“Now that’s the spirit.”
Elle laughed a little.
“Angie deserves this, babe.”
“Okay. I’ll do it already.”
“Of course you will. Because you’re an awesome big sister. When?”
“I don’t know. Whenever. Do you need a date and time?”
“Yes. I do.”
“Fine. Sometime next week, before I leave town. I’ll see when Angie’s free. Does that satisfy you?”
“Yes, it almost does.”
“You’re relentless,” she said, “do you know that?”
“Thank you. I’ve always considered relentlessness one of my finer qualities.”
She groaned, but I knew she loved me and my relentlessness. “So, what is the fabulous DJ up to tonight?”