Page 27 of Twisted Devil

“When would I start?”

“As soon as you’re available. I've also got another handful of guys lined up to start as soon as they reach the States.”

I stood and slipped my hand into his. “I really appreciate this. Can I have 24 hours to think about it, talk it over with Chloe?”

“Absolutely.” Con tipped his head. “Take all the time you need.”

He escorted me back to the lobby where I found Chloe sitting on the couch. She shot a smile my way and stood as I neared. Con held out a hand to her. “It was nice to meet you, ma'am.”

“You, too.” Chloe smiled sweetly. “I really admire what you do.”

“Thank you. I hope to see more of both of you.”

I took Chloe's hand and led her out onto the sidewalk. Once we were settled in the rental car, she turned to me. “What do you think?”

I started the car then turned on the air-conditioning. “I think it's hot as fuck down here.”

She let out a tinkling laugh. “It definitely is that.”

I sobered as I stared at her. “I really like it. Con is a good guy, and I think he'd be great to work for. I’ll primarily be based out of the office so I won't be in the field all the time.”

Her big blue eyes studied mine. “Will you miss it? Not being in the field, I mean. Might be hard to go back to a desk job.”

I definitely wouldn't miss all the evil and depravity I’d dealt with for the past several years working for the FBI. I shook my head. “I don't think so. This gig seems pretty perfect. The pay is good too, so you wouldn't have to worry about finding a job right away.”

She bit her lower lip and was silent for several seconds before speaking. “What about living arrangements?”

I reached over the console and took her hand. “I think you know how I feel about all that, right? I just want you.”

She squeezed my fingers. “I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about this every waking moment. There are tons of schools down here where I could finish my degree, maybe find a good internship program.”

Her words filled me with hope and excitement surged through me. This could be so good for both of us. “Are we doing this?” I asked. “Are we moving?”

A huge grin spread over her face. “I think so.”

I cupped the back of her head and pulled her close. “I love you. Thank you for doing this with me.”

“I'd go anywhere for you.”

With that we headed back to the hotel, where we stayed wrapped in each other's arms for a long time.



Two Weeks Later

“I think that’s the last of it.” Jason carried another stack of precariously balanced boxes into the bedroom. “Take that top one, would you?”

I snatched the small box off the top of the tower before it could fall, then watched as he slid the other boxes of clothes into the corner. The moving truck had been delayed by a whole day, so we’d had a sleepover of sorts on the floor last night. I made sure the bed was one of the first things off the truck today, because my body was still stiff from sleeping on the hard floor.

Unpacking was going to be a long and tedious process, but an exciting one. Jason and I were officially living together. It almost didn’t seem real. Everything was happening so quickly, but at the same time it just felt right.

Jason tipped his head toward the box in my hands. “That one’s yours.”

I turned it over in my hands, and my brows drew together as I inspected the intricate carvings. It resembled a jewelry box, but I knew I didn’t have anything this nice. I flipped open the lid and gasped. A diamond ring was nestled inside the red velvet-lined interior.

When I finally tore my gaze from the sparkling diamond, I realized that Jason knelt at my feet.