Page 4 of Colt

“Has the house sold yet?”

“No, not yet. It seems like most people want more land, and we only have eighty acres,” Mrs. Cotton explained. “But we’re moving next month regardless of whether it sells or not. Luckily, we don’t owe anything on the mortgage so we can leave whenever. I just hate the thought of this beautiful house sitting empty,” Mrs. Cotton said with a sigh.

“If you don’t mind, what’s the asking price?” Chelsea asked curiously.

When Mrs. Cotton told her, Chelsea couldn’t help but smile.

“I want to buy it,” she declared.

“What? Are you sure?” Mrs. Cotton asked in disbelief.

“Absolutely certain. I know this place inside and out,” Chelsea replied with determination. She reached across the table and placed a comforting hand on Mrs. Cotton’s arm. “And I promise you, I will take care of it with the utmost love and respect.”

Mrs. Cotton smiled at her reassuringly. “I have no doubt about that. And it does have everything you need, right?”

“Oh, yes! I adore this house, and I could even keep the ranch hands employed if they wanted to stay. Is there a manager currently?” Chelsea asked.

“Yes, Colt Monroe has been managing the ranch for many years now,” Mrs. Cotton confirmed with a nod.

Chelsea gasped. “Colt is still here?”

“Oh, yes. He’s been here a long time. Do you remember him?”

Remember him? She fell in love with him when she was fourteen, and she hoped he never knew. Hissing in a breath, she wondered if that had been Colt standing at the barn when she arrived.

“I do remember him.” Chelsea smiled before turning toward the door as it opened. She smiled as Mr. Cotton entered the kitchen, removed his hat, and greeted her with a big smile.

“Chelsea Hawkins,” he exclaimed, pulling her into a hug.

“It’s Kennedy now. It’s so great to see you again, Mr. Cotton,” Chelsea replied happily.

“You too, sweetheart. What brings you by?” he inquired.

Chelsea looked at Mrs. Cotton and smiled before telling him that she wanted to buy the property. He was initially taken aback but quickly recovered and pulled out a chair, and the three of them discussed it in detail.


Colt secured the lead to the horse’s halter and pulled him out of the stall. He was supposed to clean out the stalls, but he was running behind schedule. As he looked back at the barn door, he wondered who the woman was. Maybe she was a potential buyer for the ranch. Colt let out a sigh, thinking about losing his job at his age. He had been working on the Cotton ranch since he was seventeen, which made it roughly twenty-six years now. He wasn’t sure where he would find work after this place shut down, as he knew that eventually all the boarders would move their horses elsewhere. He also wasn’t sure if the new owner would want to keep it as a boarding stable or not.

“Shit,” he muttered under his breath.

After settling the horse into the indoor corral, Colt headed back toward a stall to get another horse when Walt Cotton and the unknown woman entered the barn. He took a deep breath and walked over to greet them.

“Walt? Is there something you need?” Colt asked politely.

“Colt, this is Chelsea—”

“Hawkins,” he interjected.

“It’s Kennedy now,” Chelsea corrected him.

“I see you remember her, Colt. She’s grown up and married.” Walt turned to look at her. “You’re not a little girl anymore, are you?”

“No, sir,” she replied with a smile.

“Anyway, Chelsea is going to buy the ranch and continue with the boarding business.”

“Is that so?” Colt raised an eyebrow as his gaze met hers.