Page 3 of Colt

Paige laughed. “Yes, that’s what she said. Nick found it amusing as well.”

They crossed the street and paused in front of the diner.

“Enjoy your lunch. We’ll talk soon. I’ll let you know how it goes with the Cottons. I hope it hasn’t sold yet. It’s a great place.”

“Yes, it is. Call me when you have time. Go talk with the Cottons.”

“I’m going there now.” Chelsea hugged her friend. “Love you. Talk to you soon.”

Paige hugged her back before heading into the diner to meet Nick. Chelsea let out a sigh. She wished she had a good man like Nick Richards who adored his wife and children. Instead, she had married a man who thought it was acceptable to cheat on her with any willing woman. Thank God she finally had enough and divorced him.

With a heavy heart, she got into her SUV and drove to the Cotton ranch. She knew its location from working there as a teenager during the summers.

Horses had been her passion since childhood, and she couldn’t imagine a life without them. She kept two of her horses at her parents’ place, along with her brother Eli’s horses. They were both skilled riders, and Chelsea’s ultimate dream was to own a boarding stable.

Some people might find this an odd goal, but not Chelsea. Money and material possessions didn’t matter to her; she just wanted to be surrounded by horses and share that love with others in the area who needed a place to board their animals.

As she approached the Cotton ranch, she slowed down and turned onto the driveway leading up to the main house. It was a stunning property, with a large white farmhouse standing proudly and blue shutters adorning the windows, along with flower boxes filled with marigolds. To the right, three spacious red barns could be seen.

Parking beside the porch, Chelsea stepped out of her vehicle, shielding her eyes from the bright sun as she scanned the surroundings. She spotted a tall man standing in the doorway of one of the barns, his intense gaze fixed on her even from a distance. There was something familiar about him, but before she could figure it out, he raised his hand to his hat and touched the brim in greeting before disappearing into the barn.

Chelsea let out a sigh before making her way up the steps and across the porch. She knocked on the back door, eagerly anticipating seeing the Cottons again.

As soon as the door opened, Chelsea smiled at the sight of Mrs. Tricia Cotton. It took the older woman a few seconds, but when Mrs. Cotton smiled and greeted her with open arms, Chelsea laughed.

“Chelsea Hawkins,” the woman said as she pulled Chelsea into a hug.

“Mrs. Cotton,” she exclaimed, returning the hug warmly. “It’s so good to see you again, and it’s Kennedy now,” Chelsea continued, tears welling up in her eyes.

“Oh, honey, come inside where it’s cooler,” Mrs. Cotton said, gesturing for Chelsea to come inside.

Chelsea stepped into the familiar kitchen and her heart swelled with nostalgia as she saw two trays of homemade sugar cookies on the counter.

“They smell amazing,” she commented with a smile.

“Help yourself. I just felt like baking today,” Mrs. Cotton replied kindly. “Have a seat, dear. Would you like something to drink? I have some freshly squeezed lemonade.”

“Oh, that would be wonderful. Thank you,” Chelsea accepted gratefully. “I don’t want any cookies right now, but would it be alright if I took some home with me?”

“Of course, dear,” Mrs. Cotton agreed with a warm smile as she set a glass of lemonade in front of Chelsea.

Chelsea took a sip and couldn’t help but moan in delight at how refreshing and delicious it tasted.

“So good,” she sighed happily. “Thank you again.”

Mrs. Cotton pulled out a chair and sat down across from Chelsea.

“Now, what brings you here?” she asked curiously.

Chelsea explained that she was looking into buying a property to start her own horse boarding business.

“That’s always been my dream. I loved working here when I was younger,” Chelsea shared enthusiastically.

“We know how much you loved it here,” Mrs. Cotton commented with a fond smile.

“Where are you moving to?” she asked.

“Georgia. We’re going to live near Walt’s brother,” Mrs. Cotton replied with a hint of sadness. “I know Walt isn’t looking forward to leaving, but it’s for the best. We’re getting too old to manage this place anymore.”