“I want to bealone with you.” He kissed her lips slowly.
“Our place?”
He shook his head.“Your parents’ place.”
Turning around, shestared at him. “Why?”
“I want thehealing to be complete. I want to share the good memories you hadgrowing up. We will spend the night. Is that okay with you?”
She nodded, the tearsflooding her eyes. “How the hell did I get so lucky?”
“I think I amthe lucky one,” he told her gently. “Shall we, darling?”
She gave him a tourof the place, staying a few minutes in her parents’ bedroom,which had remained the same because she never had the heart to clearthings out.
Standing in themiddle of the room with her husband behind her, lending support, sherealized that for the first time since she had lost both of them, shecould feel the peace stealing over her, and it was because of the manshe was married to.
“Still want tosell it?” He asked her softly.
“No.” Sheshook her head. “You were right,” Lifting her hands, shewrapped her arms around his neck. “I want to leave it as alegacy for our children.”
“How many areyou thinking?” He asked huskily.
“Four?”His thick brows lifted.
She nodded, an impishsmile on her lips. “As soon as this little man pops out, westart making his brother or sister.”
“You think weare having a son?”
“I would likeit to be a boy, don’t you?”
“As long as thebaby is healthy, I am okay with whatever the sex is.”
“Yeah, right.”She snorted. “Ready to start our honeymoon?”
“I thought youwould never ask.” Lifting her into his arms, he strode out ofthe room and went to find hers.
Chapter 16
“Have I thankedyou yet?” Marcel asked quietly as he handed the glass to hisdad.
“I think yousaid something to that effect.” James grinned at his son as heaccepted the glass. They had just wrapped up a deposition and werestill seated in the conference room.
“I cannot thankyou enough. Nothing I say would ever be enough. I love her.” Hesaid simply. He took his drink with him and walked to the table tosit across from his dad.
“How is she?”
“She is givingup some of her clients. After what almost happened last week, we bothgot scared.”
“Which isunderstandable. But the OB said there was no chance of her losing thebaby.”
“She is threemonths into the pregnancy, and we want to take things slow. My wifehas a way of doing everything to the very extreme.” A smilehovered on his lips. “She is accustomed to doing everything atfull tint and thinks taking a day off is a crime.”
“And she hasbeen entertaining.”