Page 74 of Marcel

“For what I amabout to do, I don’t want your family coming in here to disturbus. My husband just proposed, and I would like to celebrate themoment. Lock the doors, darling.”

Grinning at her, hewent and did just that.


Monique did not mindbeing called early the following day and assured Nikki that she wouldnotify someone from the bridal department to call her. “Leoniewill know exactly what you want, and congrats again, darling.”

Leonie was a gem. Shevideo-called Nikki when Monique made contact and sent the dress,shoes, pillbox hat, and accessories over by special delivery. “It’syour second wedding, so you want to go for something frivolous yetclassy. Where is it being held?”

“In the manor'sgreat hall, with just family members.”


Marcel had made loveto her three times last night, and they had not fallen asleep untilthe early hours of the morning. He left her to sleep in while he wentwith his dad and brother to play tennis with some clients.

“I willinstruct the kitchen to send you some tea and toast and throw in somefruits,” he told her as he was about to leave. “And Iwill try to stay away from you for the rest of the morning. Danielhas agreed to get here for noon.”

A maid had brought upa tray, and now she was being pampered. Wendy, Grace, and Julia hadcome in a few minutes ago, wearing robes, and had whisked her intoWendy’s suite, where her very resourceful mother-in-law hadcalled a stylist to do their hair and makeup.

“I thought thiswas just a simple ceremony,” Nikki said in a daze.

“It does notmean that we cannot go all the way. First, a long soak in thebathtub. Then Barry is going to work on your face and hair.”

“My husbandlikes it loose.” She said quickly.

“Lose it willbe,” Barry said with a grin. “Just think of me as one ofthe girls.” Brushing back his fluffy blonde wig, he fetched hislarge makeup case. “Now, ladies, let’s get to work.”


The dress was madeentirely of a rich champagne lace and had a Victorian neckline. Thepillbox hat was perched on the left side of her head, and she worerubies. Her husband had sent the entire setup as she was gettingready. Her thick dark brown hair had been touched up, and the blondehighlights brightened and flowed down her back.

Standing at the frontof the room, with his brother next to him, Marcel watched the visioncoming towards him and felt his heart bursting inside his chest. Hehad insisted on having this ceremony because he wanted a fresh startfor them. And he would reveal his incredible love for her in front ofhis family.

“Let us begin,”Judge Hardman said with a smile as soon as she stood next to thegroom. “The couple will be saying their vows. Marcel, please goahead.”

Taking the bouquet ofpeonies and red and white rose from her, he handed it to Grace.“Nikki.” Taking her hands in his, he brought them to hislips and kissed her fingers. “Words fail me when it comes todescribing my feelings for me.

Saying I love you istoo pedestrian, I think. I don’t simply love you; it’sfar more complicated than that. You are my life. The center of itall.”

Lifting their joinedhands, he placed them against the unsteady beating of his heart, hisgolden eyes darkening. “I never knew anything like thisexisted, and if someone had told me that, I would have laughed inderision. I adore you, darling.

You are my heart andsoul, and without you, I am dead. It’s that simple. I will loveyou until I draw my last breath and even beyond the grave. You willalways know I love you even if I do not say the words.”

Lifting a hand toher cheek, he cupped her face, his fingers trembling. “Mydarling wife. I love you more than words can ever express.”

Nikki blinked backthe tears. “My husband. I have loved you from the moment I seteyes on you. Even when infuriated with your arrogance and entitledbehavior, I loved you. You are the man of my dreams. You are theheart of me, my soulmate, my companion, my best friend. I will loveyou always.

I want to bearchildren with you, and now that we have already started, I want to bethe best wife and mother because I love you so much. Nothing meansmore to me than you, and I promise you will never have to question mydevotion to you.

Thank you for beingthere for me. In my lowest hour of need, you left everything and tookcare of me.” A smile trembled on her lips. “You haveshown me what a husband is supposed to be. My love, my life, my all.”


“You bought mea Tesla?” Nikki ran a hand over the hood of the brand-new carwith the giant red bow in the middle.

“Want to takeit for a spin?” Coming up behind her, he wrapped his handsaround her waist. The ceremony was over, and the luncheon wasdispensed with.

“Where are wegoing?” Turning her head, she looked at him and felt her heartdo the usual slow dive. Her husband was gorgeous. They had bothchanged out of their wedding clothes, and the words he had spoken toher during the ceremony were still resonating inside her brain.