Page 47 of Marcel

“I have seenthe way he looks at you.”

“Like he wantsto wring my neck?”

Julia laughed. “Youbaffle him. My brother is incredibly handsome and accustomed to womenfalling all over themselves to please him. You do the exact opposite.You do not agree with everything he says.”

“Now, thatwould be completely ridiculous.”

Julia nodded.“Matthew is gentle. He can be steadfast, but he is alsoeasygoing. Grace is strong and independent. She and my brother areperfect for each other. I think it’s the same for you andMarcel. And I hope it will work that way for me and Gerrald.”

“Do you doubtthat?”

“No.” Sheshook her head. “It’s just that marriage takes muchwork.”

“Everythingworth having takes much work. And I never liked easy. I am not usedto easy. The more complicated, the better for me to work itout.”

Julia stared at her for a minute, admiring herflawless complexion, neat chignon, and purple dress, which clung toher figure. “Can I ask you something?”

“You can ask,”Nikki told her pointedly, wringing a laugh from her sister-in-law.

“You arescary.”

“Exactly what Ilike to portray to my clients.” She admitted with a grin.

“You and Marcelwere married because of an arrangement. Do you think it will everwork out where the two of you end up falling in love?”

Picking up her glassof water, Nikki took a contemplative sip. “I did not marry yourbrother because of an arrangement,” she told the girl quietly.

“Oh.”Julia blinked at her as comprehension dawned. “Oh.”


“Does heknow?”

Nikki shrugged. “Yourbrother thinks I am an opportunist.”

“What are yougoing to do about that?”

“Make himrealize I am not, eventually. We are getting along for now, and Ihope it will stay that way. But I am a realist, and we had a rockystart with lots of issues. I have no doubt that things will comebetween us again. But I am strong, and there is nothing I cannotfight, including mistresses.”


“Zip me up?”She had decided to leave her hair loose. Scooping the fat curls inone hand, she held them up and out of the way as she turned her backto him. Moving up behind her, Marcel let his gaze wander over thebare flesh of her back, which revealed that she was not wearinganything under the figure-hugging coral-pink dress.

They were preparingto attend a gallery opening, which they were already running latefor. Marcel had been stuck at the firm, trying to work out a deal forone of their clients, and had called to let her know to start gettingready.

“We don’thave time.” She murmured as he hesitated behind her.

“I know. Youare going to catch your death, and I am not certain I like the ideaof my wife walking around in public without underwear.”

Nikki felt thrilledat his possessive tone and the fact that he had referred to her ashis wife.

“The dress doesnot allow-”

“Perhaps youshould wear something else.” He was pushing the shoulders offuntil she was completely naked except for the glossy pair of Romano’sheels she had chosen to wear.


“It’sgoing to drive me crazy picturing you under this dress. Every curve,the feel of your thighs, the taste of your nipples-” His handscame around to cup her breasts, his eyes meeting hers in thefull-length mirror.