Page 48 of Marcel

“I could notconcentrate on anything going on at that auction. And it is anauction, is it not?” His thumbs were slowly circling her tightflesh.

“Yes. I-”Biting her lip, she leaned back against him, her body heating up.

“Do you knowhow damned sexy you look wearing just heels? No-” He shook hishead when she was about to leave them. “Keep them on.”

“Marcel-”She moaned, letting her head fall back on his shoulder when one handdrifted down her flat stomach to touch the swollen and sensitiveflesh.


“Don’tstop.” She whispered achingly. “Please.”

“I want youfrom behind. Just with you wearing those shoes,” he told herharshly. Picking her up, he carried her over to the bed. Pulling herto the edge, he quickly unzipped his dark blue dress pants and tookout his swollen shaft.

Gritting his teeth,he sank into her slowly, hands wandering over her smooth thighs anddown to her ankles. He was completely sheathed, his erection growingas he slowly and carefully drove into her.

“Tell me if Iam hurting you.” He rasped.

“No.”Gripping the sheets in tight fists, Nikki gave into the incrediblesensation of him buried deep inside her.

Chapter 11

Simone Wellington hadbeen hoping that, at this late hour, they would not show up and wasbeginning to relax when she heard the whispers and the stir ofinterest from the group near the gallery's door.

From her position onthe second floor, where she had been pretending to enjoy theconversation going on around her, she could see the doorway clearlyand felt her heart bursting inside her chest when she saw thecouple.

They stopped to talkto Matthew and his wife, and she could see that Marcel was holdingher hand.

That bastard! Shethought furiously as she gripped the stem of her champagne glass. Thebitch was wearing what appeared to be a designer dress, the color ofripe plums, and diamonds were at her throat and lobes.

Her hair was loose,the curls tumbling down her back, and that fool Marcel was staring ather as if she was prized gold. The bastard! She thought viciously.


“Don’t!”She whispered fiercely, rounding on her hapless husband. “Justleave me alone.”

“Still?”Peter gripped her arm and prevented her from leaving. He lowered hisvoice, leading her to a corner of the cast room. “You areembarrassing yourself.”

“And you?”She asked sulkily, blue eyes flashing.

“My dear, I amgetting used to it.” His face hardened. “Hadley isobviously over you; it’s time for you to do the same. We aregoing to be attending most of the same functions—what are yougoing to do? Hide in a corner of the room each time you see them?”

“I begged youto let us stay home, and you did not listen!”

“That’sbecause I am part of the company, and this auction means a lot to thefirm,” he said, shaking her. “I am asking you, for bothour sakes, to get a grip and compose yourself.”

“Or?” Sheasked scornfully.”

His eyes slid overher beautiful face scornfully. “Or you are going to regret itsorely.” With that warning, he stepped back and walked awayfrom her.

Swallowing thechampagne and her anger, Simone leaned off the wall and went to findhim.


“I see thingsare going well with you and my son.” Wendy smiled at herdaughter-in-law.

“We seem tobe.” Nikki’s eyes wandered to the partners, including herhusband, brother, and dad. She had noticed a coolness between him andJames but was unsure; she wanted to ask him why.

“You lookhappy.”