She waited until heleft before returning the files to her desk. She was not lookingforward to going home and considered whether she should have acceptedJohnathon’s invitation to dinner.
But she told Jamesthat she was a big girl, and big girls don’t hide out in theiroffices just because life was a hell of a lot rocky at home. They gohome to face the music, whatever tune is playing.
He was determined notto call her. He left the office for a meeting and decided to go home.The argument between them had left him feeling out of sorts, and thethought that she was that son of a bitch made him want to punchsomething or someone.
So, that’s whathe had done. The workout in his well-equipped gym had left himtuckered out and unable to put up the effort to take a shower and goback upstairs.
Flopping back on themat, he stared at the ceiling, a dark frown on his brow. Where thehell was she?
Getting up from hisposition on the mat, he went to take a shower.
She was home! Thealarm must have gone off when he was in the bathroom. He stood framedinside the open doorway and watched as she draped the dresscarelessly over the Queen Anne chair and wriggled out of herpanties.
Marcel felt coldsweat popping up on his forehead as he stared at the firm tautness ofher butt. Next came her bra.
With one easymovement, she unhooked the front clasp and tossed the flimsy materialon the chair before turning towards the bed. It was then she saw him.For a few seconds, they stood there staring at each other, thesilence fraught with sexual tension.
Suddenly, the fightsand the bitter arguments of the past few days were forgotten. Easingoff the doorjamb, he made his way slowly towards her, eyes wanderingover her face and settling on the upturned flesh of her breasts. Hernipples hardened in response to his hungry gaze.
“You are late.”He whispered gruffly. “Where were you?”
“I don’tanswer to you.” She finally found her voice, even though itcame out as a whisper.
“That’swhere you are wrong.” His hands clamped on her arms as hehauled her against him. “You are my goddamned wife.”
“You keeptossing that word around whenever it suits your purpose. It does notwork that way. And I am tired and want to go to bed.”
“That’san excellent idea.” Lifting her into his arms, he strodetowards the bed and unceremoniously dumped her against the pillows.
He had not botheredto put on his sodden gym wear but had donned a robe he always leftthere for when he takes a shower after working out. Trapping herslender body, he climbed over her and tugged at the sash around hiswaist as he got rid of the robe.
“You think thatI am going to allow you to make love to me after the way you treatedme?”
Easing up off thepillows, she tried to push him away, only to have her hands trappedin both of his.
“Not think,know,” he told her arrogantly. “Were you with him?”
“And if Iwere?” Her struggles to escape were proving fruitless. “Youdamned well insulted me and then slept in the other suite, and younow expect me to just open my thighs to you? You have a goddamnnerve!”
“I want you.”He gritted.
Chapter 10
Her heart jolted atthat and the raw passion on his handsome face. But she was not goingto make it easy for him. He had hurt her with his careless words andactions, and she was not ready to forgive him. Not yet.
“I don’twant you.” She lied.
His lips peeled backinto a smile that did not quite reach his eyes. “I can prove itto you in just two seconds. Your nipples are hard.”
“A naturalreaction. Nothing more.”
“Shall we proveotherwise?” He asked her silkily. He was on top of her, and thefeel of her soft flesh against his was driving him crazy.
“I am not intoplaying any games with you, Marcel. Just get off me. Run back to theadjoining suite, and let me get some sleep.”
His eyes darkened atthat. “What do you want? An apology?”