“Do you knowhow?” She asked sweetly.
“You pissed meoff. And then you come flaunting your former lover in front of me.”His face was taut, his eyes flashing. “He was touching you.”
“Now you knowhow it feels.”
“Was itpayback?”
“I am not thatpetty. Just leave me alone.”
“I cannot dothat. I have been trying to avoid you, and it’s not working.”Letting go of her hands, he moved to cup her small breasts, hisbreath hissing through his lips when her nipples hardened even more.
His eyes lifted toher face to see her reaction as he moved his thumbs slowly over thetight flesh. “You cannot deny this.” His erection wasalready stretching his heart quickening. “You want me too.”
“I hate you.”She whispered, her body already surging upward. He was crouched overher, the tip of his penis brushing the center of her.
“I hate youtoo.” He rasped. His eyes held hers hypnotically as hecontinued to increase the pressure on her nipples. When he pulled atthe flesh, she could not stop the gasp, her body jerking in response.
“You are thethorn in my damn side. I could not sleep last night from wantingyou.” The admission was torn from his chest, the look on hisface one of undiluted passion. “I must have you.” Slidingdown, he lowered his head to her breast.
Nikki gave up. Assoon as his lips closed over the tight flesh, she was already too fargone. Her body responded to him violently. With a tortured moan, shedug her fingers through his hair, clutching him against her as herbody vibrated. His mouth was destroying her senses, sending heatshaking through her body at an alarming rate.
Her fingers wanderedrestlessly through his hair, her body arching to meet his mouth as hecontinued to suckle her nipple. When he switched to the other breast,she was mindless with need and was not sure she could take itanymore.
Marcel felt as if hewas drowning in passion. The emotions swelling inside him were vyingfor supremacy, and he could not even identify some of them. As hetraveled down to her stomach, he felt as if his body was close tobursting and knew he could not keep this up. But he wanted to makeher mindless from wanting him.
He tried toextinguish every other man she had ever been with and have space foronly him. The thought that he was jealous of her past relationshipsnever occurred. He just knew he wanted to ensure she remembered onlyhim and what he was making her feel.
“Please!”She gasped, trying to drag him up and over him with the strands ofhis hair. Ignoring her pleas, he pressed his face into the curlscovering her sex as he inhaled her scent. He was dying.
No one had everpulled so much out of him before, and he was baffled and frightenedby the intensity of what was happening between them. Pressing a kisson the swollen flesh, he rose over him, his body rigid with thestrain of trying to control himself. His fingers trembled when hegripped his swollen flesh and guided it into her.
When his eyes methers, he felt a distinct jolt in his overburdened senses as he staredat the wide eyes and parted lips. When he drove into her, he had topause, his body shuddering as her incredibly wet warmth pulled himin. Bending his head, he brushed her lips, the movement tender, somuch so that tears stung the back of her eyes.
His tongue invadedher mouth, the kiss taking on a savagery that had him drivingrelentlessly against her slender curves. He swallowed her feveredcries as the powerful climax shook through her body and had herclinging tightly to him.
She was barelyfinished before another was upon her. Tearing her mouth from his, shesank her teeth into the side of his neck as waves after tumultuouswaves took her over. Marcel felt the pain, his body splintering intotiny fragments as his orgasm crashed throughout his body.
He was unaware thathe had called out her name, or that his hands were racing up and downher body, or even that he had turned them both so that they were ontheir sides.
Her leg was hiked up almost to his waist as theorgasm continued for what seemed like endless moments.
His hands gripped herhips as he pressed her even closer to him. His body bucked andshuddered as he poured the last of his seed deep into her. Liftingher chin, he took her lips in a slow, erotic kiss that had the tearstrickling down her cheeks.
Ending the kiss, hefought to get his breath back as she settled against his chest.Staring in front of him, he took several breaths to get his breathingunder control.
He had tried to denyhis feelings for her, but there would be no going back after tonight.He still had things to sort out regarding why she had married him,but for now, he knew he did not want to do without her.
“We should getsome sleep.” He knew he was supposed to say something moresignificant, but he could not find the words, and something stillmade him want to hold back.
“Hmm.”She was pleasantly drowsy and completely sated. What had happenedbetween them was so magical that she would dare him to say otherwise.“Good idea.”
Her hand came around his waist, andwithin minutes, he heard her even breathing, indicating that she wasasleep.
It was not so easyfor him. For one thing, he was still intimately joined to her and waspractically on top of him. Her nipples were branding his chest andmaking him acutely aware of her.
The bite mark on hisflesh had started to ache, reminding him of the ferociousness oftheir passion just minutes ago. He had wanted to rip her apart, hethought with a shake of his head.
And he wanted to knowif that damn guy from her past had been her first. He was not sure hecould bear it if he were.