Nikki’seyes clung to his, her heart accelerating, her body poised and readyto receive what she had longed for since meeting him. She dared notbreathe or move in case even one slight movement had him changing hismind and walking out of the room.
He had taken off hisdress pants and toed off his shoes before she dragged her eyes to hisbare chest. A moan escaped her as her eyes wandered over the bunchedmuscles and the spread of dense dark hairs on the flesh.
His waist was narrow,and his sex- She was completely unaware that she had uttered a sound,that a gasp had escaped her as she was given full view of hiserection.
Keeping his eyeson hers, he climbed in next to her. She started to reach for him, buthe shook his head. “Not yet.” he rasped, pushing her backagainst the pillows. His eyes roved over her face and stopped at herparted lips.
With a feral growl,he bent his head - she expected him to kiss her lips but felt asudden jolt when he kissed her eye before going to her wet cheek anddrifting to the seams of her lips. Her body was pumped and rearing tohave him inside her, on top of her.
It took all of herrestraint not to reach for him. Curling her fingers into the sheets,she kept herself anchored as he traced the outline of her lip beforeparting them with his tongue. She opened her mouth eagerly, one handlifting to cup his jaw.
The kiss wassearingly gentle, erotic, and so arousing that in just a few seconds,he had her whimpering, drowning as he deepened the kiss. His handdrifted to her flat stomach, body shuddering when he felt herquivering flesh.
When he ended thekiss, she started to reach for him again in protest, but he evadedher hands, his mouth drifting to her neck, ravaging the softness ofthe flesh until she was weak with need.
“Marcel.”She whispered achingly. “Please.”
Her soft, culturedvoice had him reacting violently. Sinking his teeth into the swell ofher breast, he sucked the skin into his mouth and had her crying outin shock.
“No.”Even though he was maddened with a desire so profound and powerful,he was determined to pleasure her. Soothing the bite, he finallyreached the target. His tongue swirled around the tight bud slowlybefore pulling the nipple inside his mouth. When he started tosuckle, she lost it completely.
Crying out his name,her hands clutching at his shoulders, fingers digging into his skin,she turned her writhing body towards his, eyes blurry by a need sodesperate, she could hardly stand it.
“Now.”She demanded hoarsely. “Please, Marcel.”
Transferring to theother nipple, he gave it the same thorough treatment before goingfurther down. The awful craving inside her was unbearable. Her bodywas shaking, her heartbeat drowning out everything else. Crouchingover her, he drew off the panties and flung them to the side of thebed, head bending to inhale her musky scent.
Pressing his lips tothe curls covering her sex, he touched the kernel of sensitive fleshand had her springing up in shock.
“I cannot takeany more!” She cried.
As if in answer toher please, he dipped his tongue into her warmth. The climax was likea flood that swept her away with such force that she felt she wasbeing carried along a violent storm with no end.
Unaware of the soundsshe was making, she fought to get back some control as he continuedto dip deep inside her with his tongue.
Before she had fullyrecovered, he was on top of her, sliding into her tightness, hislarge body shuddering.
His eyes glowed as hebent his head to hers. He had to stop to take several breaths as hertightness enfolded him completely.
“Oh, damn me,”he whispered against her lips. “Don’t move,” hewarned shakily. “Not yet.”
“I can’t.”Her arms came around his neck, her face buried in his chest as sheinhaled his scent.
Lifting her slenderlegs, he wrapped them around his waist and started moving slowly.Tipping her face up, he took her lips in savagely, bruising the softskin as he drove into her with a force that had her head rappingagainst the padded bed head.
She came again, hercries of release swallowed deep inside his throat. He followedclosely behind her, his body surging as he poured himself into her.
She was stilltrembling, her heart pounding unsteadily as she clung to him. Whenthey finally mated, she had expected something substantial, butnothing in her wildest imagination had prepared her for this. He washers, she thought fiercely, now more than ever, and she would neverlet him go.
When he started toease off her, she clung, her hands tight around his neck.
“I am crushingyou,” he murmured. “Just let me-” He loosened herhands and shifted so that she was half on top of him and stillintimately joined. Her face was buried in his chest, his hairtickling her skin. And she felt beautiful.
Her day had gonedownhill when she received the call about her mother, and she hadfelt such an unbearable sadness that everything seemed hopeless. Butnow, he was here, and they were together like this, and it feltwonderful.
What she had notmanaged to accomplish during the honeymoon had been made possible,had been done right here, and she was hopeful that this would be aturning point in their marriage. Indeed, he could see that there wassomething between them.