Page 33 of Marcel

“You must behungry.” His deep baritone rumbled against her cheek.

“I feeldecidedly naughty and decadent.” She whispered.

“How so?”

“I am in bed inthe early afternoon with my husband.”

“Thatconstitutes the term ‘naughty and decadent’?” Hisvoice was mild and amused.

Lifting her head, shepropped her chin on her hand as she stared at him. His hair wasmussed, his amber eyes slumberous. “It does.” Lifting ahand, she smoothed away the curl that had fallen over his forehead.

Her hand drifted tohis jaw and stayed there.

“I asked if youwere hungry.” He was fighting the urge to make love to heragain and could feel himself hardening.

The lovemaking hadthrown him off because he had not expected it to be so potent, and hejust realized that he had made love to her without using anything.This means there could be repercussions, ones he was not sure he wasready for.

Nikki sensed his moodchanging and was determined not to allow that to happen. She took theinitiative and climbed on top of him.

“What are youdoing?”

“I need more,and so do you.” She arched her body, and he helplessly surgedupwards, his hands clamping on her narrow hips.


They ate in bed. Thefood was already cold when they got around to it. He heated it in themicrowave and returned it to the bedroom, where they ate silently.

“Finished?”He nodded towards the carton in her hand.

“Yes.”She handed it to him and watched him put it away with the rest of theuneaten meal. He had not said anything about what had transpiredbetween them, and she wondered if he had regrets.


“Is it?”Turning her head, she glanced at the clock and saw it was barelyeight.

“I think weshould go back to my place. Do you feel well enough to go to worktomorrow?”

She nodded. “Ileft unfinished business there and told Marge to reschedule somemeetings.”

She glanced at him.“We could spend the night and leave early in the morning.”

“Then we standthe chance of being caught up in the rush hour traffic.”

“You areright.”

“How about ashower?” He asked casually.

“Both of us?”

“Yes.” Henodded.

“That soundsgreat.”

“Meet youthere.” He climbed off the bed and walked across the room,giving her the thrill of seeing his magnificent naked body frombehind.

Smiling slowly, sheclimbed off the bed and followed him into the bathroom. He had theshower on full, and his gorgeous body was already soaking wet.

“Come here,”he whispered as soon as she slid the glass doors open.