“What’sthe point of being part of management if we cannot exercise theprivileges?” He asked her mildly, reaching for his phone.
“What are youdoing?”
“Calling Dadand letting him know we are through for the day.”
“Dad.”He held up a hand to stop the rest of her sentence. “I am herewith Nikki.” He glanced at her. “Yes, she is trying tohold it together.” He grinned as she rolled her eyes at him.“We are both taking off for the rest of the day.”
He listened for a fewseconds. “I will make sure she is all right. Yes, I will tellher to call you later. Bye.” He hung up and looked at her.“It’s official. Ready?”
“Can youcome with me to check on her?” She whispered huskily.
“Of course,”he told her gently.
Getting out of thevehicle, he came around to open her door, and to her surprise, hetook her hand. She was about to start walking when he held her back.
“Do youhave something comfortable in the car?”
“Like what?”
“Another pairof shoes, one that’s not going to make you end up breaking yourdamned neck.”
“Oh.”She laughed, and the sound of it warmed his heart. “Inside theglove compartment.”
“Let me getthem.” Taking her key fob, he pressed the button to open thedoor. When he returned with the soft mules, she held onto him likeshe had done this morning and changed out of the heels. A smiletugged at her lips as she watched him take the heels back to hervehicle and lock up.
At her nod, he tookher hand and led the way.
Chapter 7
He stared at hercurled up on the single sofa, her hands cradling her cheek againstthe cushions propped beneath her head. She had shed the tiny jacket,leaving her arms bare. He had seen her emotions come to the fore asshe sat beside her mother’s bed. He had left the room to giveher a few minutes of privacy.
When he returned, itwas to see the tears streaming down her cheeks, which had undone him.He had gently suggested that they heed the doctors’ advice andget going. On the way, he stopped to pick up Chinese.
“Tell me abouther,” he said softly. He would persuade her to eat something ina few minutes, whether she liked it.
“Mom.” Awhimsical smile touched her lips. “She is a tower of strength.You could not get one past her. I hate housework and love books. So,I would have my nose buried in some volume.
Mom worked as alibrarian for years, giving me free reins to borrow as many books aspossible. And I took advantage of it. I was curious; I had to findout what was happening around the world. My dad, he was this gentlesoul, and she handled him-”
She shook her head.“And he did not mind one bit. They loved each other. He used tosay that she took pity on him when she agreed to marry him. He was aplain Joe, and his name was Joseph, incidentally. He said he was aplain Joe and still wonders what she saw in him.”
“You favorher.” As soon as he stepped into the room, he saw theresemblance, and their likeness was uncanny. It gave him a sense ofwhat she would like at that age.
“Yes. He usedto say he lived with the two most beautiful women in the world andfelt like a king. Mom loved him so much-” She bit her lip andlooked away from him as she struggled for composure.
“If you don’twant to.”
“No.” Sheshook her head, turning to face him, dark brown eyes bright withtears. “I miss her, miss them both, and it feels like somethingis missing in my life. I am married, and he did not get to walk medown the aisle; she was not even there - it feels weird, for lack ofa better word. As if it was not sanctioned.”
Sitting up, she drewher knees to her chin and looked so much like a lost child that hewanted to cradle her in his arms. “Anyway,” She forcedthe smile as she resumed.
“She was astickler for doing the right thing. She was well-loved at thelibrary, and it was due to her personality. She was incredibly bluntyet kind about it. And she could make up a storm.”