Page 29 of Marcel

He found her in theparking lot of the nursing home, just sitting inside her car.

Pulling to a stopnext to her vehicle, he alighted. She was leaning back in the seatwith her eyes closed, and he realized he had never seen her look sovulnerable.

It did somethingfunny to his insides to see her like that. And he was going to gether a new vehicle, he thought, looking at the Nissan—probably aBMW or a Tesla. Walking around the passenger side, he opened the doorand slid in as her eyes flickered open.

His heart tookanother jolt when he realized that she had been crying.


“How didyou-” She shook her head. “Mom had a heart attack.”

“And you arehere in the parking lot because-”

“Trying togather my composure.” She sniffed.

“Where isshe?”

“Heavilymedicated and back inside her room. The doctors said it was a mildheart attack, but it triggered some other complications. They aregoing to watch her for the rest of the night.”

“Are yougoing to stay?”

“No. They willcall me as soon as she is awake.” She turned her head to lookat him.

“It’s notas if I am not grateful for you being here, but why are you?”

“I was callingyour phone, and you were not picking up, so I went to your office,and your assistant told me what happened.”

“And youdecided to come and offer our support. How sweet.”

“Yeah, that’swhat I am, a sugar cube.”

“You are.”Turning her head away, she looked out her window. He could see thedisconsolate look on her exquisite face, and suddenly, he wanted todo something about it.

“I have anidea.”

“Yes?”Turning her head slightly, she looked at him.

“Why don’tI take you to dinner?”

Her eyebrows lifted.

“You want tofeed me?”


“I don’tfeel like eating.” She told him, swallowing the lump inside herthroat.

“What do youfeel up to doing?” He persisted.

“You don’thave to.”

“I want to.”

“I just want togo to the house where she lived with me and my dad and just sit inthe living room or on the porch for a bit.”

“Then that’swhat we will do.”

“No.”She shook her head. “We have things to do. We just got back-”