Farren followed the gurneys bearing Morrisey and Colm into the lower levels. From Morrisey, Farren sensed only exhaustion through their connection.
Colm? His failing body wasn’t up to the challenge of battle. He lay gasping. Farren grasped Colm’s hand.
Voice raspy, Colm said, “I’d hoped to live out my life in Domus. See your and Kele’s spawn. A parent should never outlive their young.”
Farren listened, sensing Colm neither wanted nor needed input. They both knew there would never have been any spawn, not without Farren and Kele bonding. Which Farren now realized would’ve never happened.
“I want you to make me a promise.” Colm’s voice came out a mere whisper.
“If it’s in my power to give.” Farren leaned closer to hear better as they left the hallways for the infirmary.
“Don’t let them try to save me. If this is my time, let me go.”
As much as it hurt, Farren understood. He could always get a postmortem statement later, as long as he didn’t wait too long. “If you truly want to go.”
“I do. Oh, and another favor.” Colm turned away.
What could he possibly want? “Yes?”
“Take care of the cats for me, okay? I might not be much, but I’m all they’ve got.”
Farren squeezed Colm’s hand for perhaps the last time. “I will.”
The faintest hint of a smile flickered over Colm’s face. “That’s all I can ask. I know I blamed you for Kele or said I did, but you’d never willingly have abandoned family. I understand now.”
“No. I wouldn’t.”
“You’ve proved yourself by standing by me. Now, go. Tend to your mate, not a dying old man. I’ll say hello to Kele for you.”
“Please do that.” Farren reluctantly released Colm’s hand and watched two unfamiliar Nutrixes wheel him away. When the gurney faded out of sight behind a curtain, Farren reached out, running his senses along his connection with Morrisey.
He followed the direction his heart led him.
Chapter Forty-three
The man who looked like Craig approached, nearly as tall as Morrisey, with dark hair and eyes, and an arrogant smirk. A stranger and yet…
Words became background noise. A traveler. Craig had been a traveler. And yet, what had Jessa said about keeping pieces of each host?
At last, the words hit home. Anger surged in Morrisey. No. He couldn’t let this man provoke him. “If you’re with Asher, you’ve made your choice.” Physically, he remained still. Mentally, he dove.
The traveler had been a tradesman in Domus, corrupted by Asher’s evil sway. He hadn’t stood a chance of being picked to come to Terra, so he’d made a deal. Nothing remained of who he’d been.
Since arriving, he’d taken many hosts, all against their will. Morrisey dove deeper into the being’s psyche. There! Traces of Craig.
“I dunno, Bryan. I’m not really good at sports.”
“But we need one more to have a team. Will you please join?”
How could Craig say no to his best friend? “All right. But you owe me.”
Bryan waggled his brows. “Just wait till you see all the hot men on the team. You’ll be thanking me.”
Just then a tall, lanky man came out of the locker room. Oh, my. “What about him?” Craig asked.
Bryan snorted. “Why on earth would you want Morrisey James?”
Why indeed. It had taken way too long for Craig to finally make a move.