The scene shifted, changed. Flashes of Morrisey’s life with Craig.
“You know, Morse, you’d feel better if you didn’t eat so much junk food. Those additives are killing you.”
The next scene cut Morrisey to the core. He felt the pain he’d caused firsthand. Craig sat on the bed, sobs wracking his body. “Oh, Morrisey. Why did you have to work so late on my birthday?”
The funeral for Morrisey’s father, then his mother. Craig longing to take away the pain, holding Morrisey while Morrisey held back tears.
Craig sat on the couch, playing the guitar. Love flowed through Morrisey from this ghost of Craig. He’d really loved Morrisey. Wanted forever.
“I’ll only be gone a few days. My aunt needs me. Please say you’ll come.” Craig held his breath, though he already knew deep in his heart what answer he’d get.
“Now, you know I gotta work.”
If only Morrisey could go back in time, agree to go.
Craig stopped to help a stranded motorist. “Hey, need some help there, ma'am?”
The woman sprang at Craig, squeezing his head between powerful hands.
What was she doing? “Stop! You’re hurting me! Stop!” Craig’s vision grayed around the edges. Pain. So much pain. He was dying.
And he’d never get to see Morrisey again. “I love you, Morse,” he whispered as darkness took him.
His last act on earth had been to manipulate the traveler into leaving Morrisey.
Morrisey saw the fear in the traveler’s eyes, when the foul creature realized he’d failed to hide the truth. Oh, how Morrisey wanted to make the asshole pay.
But it wouldn’t bring Craig back. On instinct he opened a portal.
And sent the son of a bitch through.
He’d mourn later. For now, he must save the living.
What the fuck am I? Morrisey kept his eyes tightly closed while being wheeled to the infirmary, locking down his energy so no one could sense him.
He wasn’t human. Hell, he’d just sent soul after soul to the great beyond while barely trying. He’d nearly lost control and would have if not for Farren.
What am I? After what happened in the conference room, would Morrisey be banished next? Could he be banished? The power, the feeling of being invincible. Intoxicating. But in time, would the darkness consume Morrisey as it had Asher?
Darkness. Yes. Morrisey was darkness. But was he evil? What if someone pissed him off? Could he kill them with his mind in a fit of rage, only to regret his actions later?
Right now, hatred, rage, pain, and despair permeated the air, so tempting for Morrisey to feed upon, especially after learning about Craig. But no. If he opened himself to negative emotions, he really would seal his doom.
“Don’t let it destroy you,” the ghost of Craig implored. Craig, who as his very last act protected Morrisey and orchestrated the offending traveler’s punishment.
Then sweet scents filled the air: hope, friendship… love.
Morrisey opened his soul and drank his fill.
Beep, beep, beep, sounded rhythmically around Morrisey as he blinked sand from his eyes. Antiseptic stung his nose. Must be a hospital of some kind. The infirmary?
Farren sat in a chair beside the bed, chin nearly touching his chest, snoring softly. Morrisey’s heart swelled at the sight. He longed to reach through their connection, test the bond, but better to let Farren sleep.
Craig. Craig had been there. A traveler. What hurt more, feeling like he been abandoned or knowing he hadn’t been there when Craig needed him? No, worse yet, not even realizing Craig hadn’t been the one to return from the trip? What kind of shit boyfriend had Morrisey been?