Page 129 of Darkness

Ah, a direct hit. “You know you’ll not get away with hijacking the vice president.” What happened to the human spirit whose body Asher stole? Morrisey swept out his senses but found only Asher. So he’d stolen the body and killed the owner and somehow shielded his followers from Morrisey’s senses. A crime punishable by death or banishment in either world. “How’d you manage, anyway?”

Asher gave a shark smile, skin crinkling at the corner of his host’s eyes. “Politicians make things so easy. Fundraisers are excellent opportunities to… meet. Promise someone enough money and they can’t bend over far enough for you.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t go for the president.”

“He’s old, and his poll numbers are falling. He’ll never survive the next election. Even if he does, he’d only get four more years. The vice president is much more popular, and eight years gives me plenty of time to put my plans into motion.”

Morrisey had believed in little in his lifetime. Right now, however, he fully believed he’d kill this motherfucker or die trying. “Like hell, you will.”

Asher snorted. How strange to see Asher’s arrogant mannerisms on the face of a man who’d been nothing but charismatic on TV.

“I’m sure you didn’t have Sykes bring us here to stand around chatting. Get on with it,” Morrisey growled, patience at an end. Asher wouldn’t kill them now. No, he needed to gloat, toy with them, and then possibly offer their fear to his followers as a gift.

Asher stepped back, allowing the gun-toting travelers to step forward. “I’ll await you in the conference room.” Though he’d dressed casually in dark slacks and a red polo shirt, he might as well have swirled a cape with his dramatic exit.

But, Morrisey wondered, if these travelers had any level of talent, why guns? Hadn’t they learned how to use magic or whatever the hell it was? When, not if, Morrisey got out of this mess, he’d practice until no one got the jump on him again.

Farren stood beside Morrisey, eyes flashing and jaws set. Jessa nibbled her lower lip, trying to hide her trembling. She’d betrayed Asher. He’d make an example of her—or he could try.

“How are you holding up?” Morrisey asked her.

“He’s stretched too thin at the moment to manipulate me.”

Morrisey wouldn’t mention how much energy he put into shielding her.

Colm added an unknown element, though Farren insisted on bringing him. If Farren trusted him and found him useful, then he was good enough for Morrisey.

The travelers patted him down as they took his weapons. See you later, darling, he told the latest Agnes.

A gun muzzle nudging his back, Morrisey stepped forward to whatever awaited. He could lash out. Hell, he could have Farren do the bright light from the hand thingy, but no. Best to see what Asher planned and who he involved. They couldn’t risk costing innocent lives.

Morrisey felt human auras the closer he came to the conference room. Roughly thirty people, humans and travelers, sat around the conference table, with more standing around the walls. Morrisey didn’t know many of the travelers, but the humans…

Leary sat next to Asher. Nearly every human member of FAET stood behind them.

Fuck. So much for hoping for the cavalry to arrive. The Princeps spirit in Morrisey bristled at the sight of Asher sitting at the head of the table. .

The chair jolted, and Asher’s eyes went wide as it unceremoniously dumped him out of the seat and he disappeared under the table. Morrisey didn’t know why, but he marched with purpose to the head of the table, yanked out the chair, and sat. He glared down at Asher, fighting back the panic.

What the hell just happened? Had Morrisey done that with just a thought? And not really a fully formed thought. He hadn’t wanted Asher out of the chair, just mused about how he didn’t belong there. Whatever. Morrisey donned his haughtiest expression. “Thank you for warming my seat.”

A touch of fear flitted across Asher’s features but was gone in an instant. He rose from the floor. “As I’ve told you, my brother…”

Once more, unseen forces drove Morrisey. “You are not Princeps. You can’t be my brother.” Wasn’t that what Asher really wanted? Status? To be better than everyone else. Morrisey frantically waved Farren over. “What’s happening? I can’t control it.”

Farren patted his shoulder. “Asher thought leadership was all about power and control. It’s not. Just like I was born to uphold the law, you were born to lead. A Princeps cannot consciously harm any innocent people they serve and will use every fiber of their being to protect them.” He gave a tremulous smile. “You are fulfilling your destiny.”

Asher climbed out from under the table and shoved Morrisey’s chair—hard. It never moved. Still, he fumed, “Don’t forget who brought you here. Anything you are is because of me!” He didn’t make a move, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t.

Morrisey lifted his chin a stubborn fraction. “No. I am what I am despite you.”

Mutterings began in the ranks. Morrisey swept his gaze over those assembled. Here and there were those who didn’t really buy into Asher’s vision. Some were merely curious or led by peer pressure. Some actively hoped to defy Asher.

Those Morrisey could work with. “Asher has brought you here with promises of riches, power, and glory. He means his riches, power, and glory. Once you’ve served your purpose, he’ll drain you without thinking twice.” Morrisey focused on Leary and the other humans. “He refers to humans as cattle. You want to throw your lot in with someone who sees you as food?”

Morrisey directed his words to Leary. “You’re selling out your own people for what? Asher? He’s murdered the vice president. Do you think you’re more important?”

“I’m saving humanity! While Asher leads the travelers, I’ll lead the humans. Together, we’ll build a world we can both live in.” Deep down, Leary believed he’d get the better of Asher.