“Dream on.” Morrisey shook his head. Some people never learned.
Leary wanted to defeat Asher and send all travelers back to their own realm—an extinct realm. He didn’t care. As long as they weren’t here. He merely pretended to help Asher start a war to subjugate humans. What strange thinking.
Also strange for Morrisey to so easily see Leary's plans. Then again, he wasn’t exactly subtle.
Most of the sycophants either blindly followed Asher, hoping to gain wealth and power, or thought themselves superior. They doomed themselves to failure.
“What Asher promises, he can no longer or simply won’t give. Just like he promised you a Princeps and all their powers.” Morrisey shook his head. “I’ll never use any abilities for him or for you. I’m here for anyone who just wants to get along with others and play nice. Those who want nothing more than to live their lives. I don’t need or want power.”
“Because you already have it!” Colm shouted from the back of the room. “You can control these lesser beings with a mere thought.”
Morrisey turned his head, taking in the scholar. Only then did he notice Jessa’s increased trembling. Slowly she raised the hand holding the taser, wild desperation in her eyes.
Smug satisfaction shone from Asher’s face. So. He still controlled her. Morrisey rose, slowly walking toward Jessa.
“Please. Don’t come any closer,” she pleaded. “He’s making me do this. I can’t stop him.”
“Okay, Jessa. I know it’s not your will. But you can’t hurt me. Not anymore.”
With a strangled cry, Jessa discharged the taser. Nothing happened.
The smile fell from Asher’s face. “You can’t. I mean…”
“I can and I did.” Blackness washed over Morrisey’s vision. Tiny electrical charges danced over his skin. Pressure grew within. Raw power flooded his mind, filling his body. Choking him. His muscles screamed. Oh, shit! His body seemed ready to rip apart. “Farren!” he gasped.
Asher shrieked, “His power is too great! Kill him!” He charged. So did those in attendance, all but the ones Morrisey marked as holding good intentions.
Leary took a wild swing. Farren blocked.
Morrisey doubled over, clinging tight to the ever-expanding power within him. No telling what might happen if he lost his grip, but it wouldn’t be pretty. He barely heard the battle going on around him—the gunshots, the screams. The scent of blood filled the air. A wounded traveler attacked a human ally, desperate to steal an uninjured body.
This was Asher’s grand vision. No loyalty. No rules. Chaos.
Morrisey sought Asher, finding him in a corner, arms thrown wide to accept every bit of the anger and hate permeating the room. Was he waiting for Morrisey’s inevitable explosion?
The pressure continually built. Morrisey gritted his teeth. “Farren! I can’t hold it anymore!”
“Let go!” Colm called from his place in front of Morrisey—protecting him from the approaching horde.
Morrisey flung his arms wide, releasing the power he could no longer contain. The room ignited with a grayish light, bolts of lightning zigzagging through the air. More people screamed. He should protect them, not cause harm, but the power wouldn’t stop.
Darkness. Tenebris. No wonder Domus feared them.
Strong arms wrapped around him from behind. Farren urged, “Let me in.”
Unlike the occisor all those weeks ago, this time Morrisey complied. Light and warmth filled his mind, tempering the flow of energy, shaving the rough edges off Morrisey’s vengeance.
He found himself in a bubble of bright light and a feeling like coming home.
The Tenebris alone couldn’t bring balance. What balances darkness?
Chapter Forty-two
Leary charged, catching Farren in a flying tackle. Down they both went. The connection with Morrisey snapped. No!
The wind rushed out of Farren. “Oomph!” He had to get back to Morrisey. Without an outlet, dark energy would soon explode outward, possibly killing many.