“Touché. Only, I don’t anymore. Feeding causes more violence. I sustain myself like a human.”
“Which is why you’re not more powerful. You know Morrisey is from Domus, right?”
“Yes.” That much had become clear.
“Asher plans to make him feed on humans.”
“What emotions?” The initial feeding could shape Morrisey for years to come.
“Adoration. Or fear. Morrisey is Princeps.”
Big difference in suspecting and knowing. A Magestra and a Princeps would never have been accepted as a couple back home under normal circumstances. “Are you sure Morrisey is Princeps?”
“Yes. Very prominent parentage, too. Apparently, he’s also Asher’s half-brother through one parent.”
How had a Princeps come to this realm and survived forty-plus years without knowing their true nature? And in Farren's old world, people frowned upon having young with multiple partners. “Asher’s other parent?”
“A servant who took the blame and suffered banishment.”
Yeah, blame whoever held a lower position in society. But, fuck. Princeps. Had this Asher made off with a Princeps spawn? And for what purpose? Oh. Farren’s former world hadn’t been perfect. Victim blaming had been one of their major faults, though this world wasn’t much better. “This Asher guy. He plans to kill Morrisey for revenge?”
“No. Asher knows, as a bastard, no one from our realm will ever follow him, but they would follow Morrisey.”
“He’s Tenebris. They weren’t allowed to live. No one would follow him.” At least, Farren didn’t think so if travelers brought their old prejudices with them.
“Tenebris were killed because of the power they wielded. The skill to banish with a thought rather than a ritual. Legend says they can compel others to do their will.”
Some rumors said a Tenebris would destroy the world. Looked like the world met its doom without help. “It’s been so long since one lived, it’s impossible to determine fact from myth.”
“We’re about to find out.” Jessa frowned. “First, though, Asher has to awaken whatever powers Morrisey has.”
“Is Morrisey okay?” At least he still lived.
“For now. But his upbringing molded him into a human. He doesn’t understand how to be what he is, and he doesn’t want to. But know this. Asher is promising humans their wildest dreams and taking their money, then selling their bodies to the highest bidder from our world, payable within a few years of arriving. Our realm’s failure has sped rapidly since you were there. Demons are desperate. They’re promising everything, then getting here and discovering they can’t pay.” She gave a humorless laugh. “Asher’s the one who’s been killing my friends. Or rather, allowing his minions to. And that’s not all.”
“There’s more?” Just wait until Farren got his hands on this Asher. He’d never banished a Princeps before, or rather a half Princeps. First time for everything. And he didn’t correct Jessa for calling their kind demons.
“Asher can travel between realms.”
Shivers ran down Farren’s spine. “Fuck.”
Jessa replied, “My thoughts exactly. Asher transports some demons into wealthy, powerful people who can either afford money or influence.”
“Why doesn’t Asher take such a form himself?”
“He prefers to be the puppet master, as the woman who once lived in this body might say. He uses me and others to lure men to him. When he’s not using me, I assist otherwise helpless women.” Jessa gave a bittersweet smile. “My way of making up for all the bad I’m made to do.” She shrugged. “Everyone needs a hobby, right?” She turned a startingly sincere gaze on Farren. “Because of my bond with Asher, I can’t act against him directly. So, I approached Morrisey, asking him to help me find out what happened to my friends.” The scarred bar top suddenly held great interest for her. “I didn’t know any other way to help except through a cop who knew of us, after years of waiting. I had no idea I’d endanger him and never even suspected he was one of us. I couldn’t tell.”
"If Asher kills those who can't pay, what does he gain from the deal? Seems like a waste.” At least now Farren knew how Morrisey came to know a succuba. Jessa also seemed forthcoming with information on her summoner—and she didn’t like the summoner if she spoke the truth. Maybe the adage of an enemy of my enemy is my friend might hold true. Worth trying if it got Morrisey back.
“He resells the bodies.”
“Wait. You’re telling me all this. Isn’t talking to me and Morrisey going against Asher?”
“You're not as powerful. He doesn’t see you as a threat. Besides…” Jessa paused, staring off into space, the way Farren did when getting input from the old Farren. “Sorry. I’m trying to put this so I don’t directly compromise my restrictions. Asher knew Morrisey was Tenebris. To maximize his power, Morrisey cannot bond with a Lux. Occisors aren’t the most reliable of spies. Asher got an idea about you but only knew vaguely what you looked like and you were Magestra, and as such were undetectable as a de—traveler. Sorry. Morrisey said you preferred to be called a traveler.”
Farren swallowed hard, recalling what Morrisey said about a murderer targeting cops. “He started killing blond cops.”
“Yes. I wish there was something I could have done…” Jessa let her words trail off.