“But he needs Morrisey.”
“Think about it. Asher is half Princeps, half working class. He’s thriving on his victims’ energy. He sends his occisors out to kill and destroy, then feeds from them.”
Farren winced. “Kind of like the old human practice of cannibalism.”
“Even the higher life forms aren’t immune. If they don’t line his pockets or serve him, they become fodder for his appetites. And he’s done this for so long there’s no coming back. You know how it was in our world. The more crimes one commits, the more their aura degrades. He’s become pure evil, one step above an animal. But a cunning one.”
Farren spoke quietly. “How about you? Are you okay?”
Jessa took a drink of whatever the bartender gave her. “I can take care of myself. It’s my friends I worried about. Now, I include Morrisey in the group.”
They were wasting time. “Do you know where he is?”
Farren’s heart pounded hard. Finally. “Can you take me there?” About damned time he caught a break.
“No. You can’t help him.” Jessa rested her hand on Farren's arm. “In this, he must help himself. But he’d want you to know he’s okay. He might not be aware of it yet, but he cares deeply for you. He’ll want to know you are well.”
Really? “What can I do?” Sitting around doing nothing wasn’t Farren’s style.
“Be ready. He’ll need you soon.” Jessa leaned in. “Tenebris were once said to bring balance to life. Look what happened to Domus when we decided they weren’t worth the risk of keeping alive. Be ready for when he needs you.”
“The lack of Tenebris is why Domus is collapsing?”
“Asher thinks so.”
A bit of hope surged in Farren’s heart. “Does Asher plan to use Morrisey to right the balance?”
“In our world, Asher was nothing. Here, he fancies himself a god. Especially if he can harbor the power of the Tenebris.”
“He plans to take Morrisey’s body?”
Jessa shook her head. “Morrisey is the Tenebris, not the body. But neither Asher nor anyone else can contain the power of darkness, which is why others grew to fear them. Eliminating them wasn’t the answer. What balances darkness?”
Chills swept along Farren’s spine. “Light.”
Jessa sipped her drink. “Though Asher doesn’t believe in old legends, Morrisey needs you, or he’ll self-destruct. You don’t have to be nearby to help him. Reach toward the darkness. You’ll find him.” Jessa rose abruptly and brushed her lips along Farren’s jawline. “You like him. I really believe you’re what he needs. Hurry, though, or you’ll be too late.” She cocked her head to the side, eyes growing distant. After a moment, she shook herself. “My master calls. I must go. It may be too late for our world, but you can save this one if you hurry.”
“What must I do?”
“Do you love him?”
“Only your bond can save him.” Jessa pulled the hood over her hair and slapped a twenty on the bar. The bartender watched with interest as she swayed across the floor.
Farren felt Jessa absorbing the man’s moment of lust—a snack to tide her over. In order to save Morrisey, Farren needed to love him.
He already did.
Chapter Thirty-four
Whoever arranged Morrisey’s room spent way too much time watching B horror movies. Dank, dark basement, no bathroom, minimal water and food, and only a blanket for sleeping. In a mansion, no less. So much for moving up in the world. Had someone set out to make this room as awful as possible?
His bladder might explode before he resorted to pissing in the milk jug in the corner.
The only things missing to make this truly a place of horrors were a rack and wrist irons.