Page 102 of Darkness

“What can I get you?” the bartender asked. “It’s a bit early for lunch. The kitchen doesn’t open until eleven.”

“Did you see a woman come in here just a moment ago wearing a gray hoodie?”

The man shook his head. “I just started my shift.”

Damn the luck. Technically, Farren wasn’t on the clock since he’d pulled an all-nighter. “Give me whatever you got on tap.” He tried not to expect too much when the bartender handed him a frosty mug.

Farren took a sip. Not bad. Not bad at all. He’d have to bring Morrisey here sometime.

What? His churning mind screeched to a halt. Bring Morrisey here? Like a date? Farren didn’t hate the idea. Once Morrisey finished training, Farren could assign him to another partner. Eliminate conflict of interest.

Maybe. Then again, probably wiser not to encourage his drinking.

But he’d have to find Morrisey first.

Farren took a seat at the bar, letting out some of the day’s tension. The barstool next to him creaked. Floral perfume filled his nose, along with a faint hint of herbs. He turned his head slightly and caught sight of the woman in the hoodie, dark hair cascading from the fabric. She wore no makeup, appearing far younger than her body probably was.

“I was hoping you’d get the message,” she said, settling onto the next stool.

So, she’d intended Farren to follow. “Why bring me here?”

“Where else would a succuba be?” She smiled. “Don’t answer. Plenty of lust to go around in bars, especially if I show cleavage.”

Was this the traveler Morrissey spoke to? “Why the cloak and dagger act? Is someone watching you?”

The woman lowered her voice. “Someone is watching us all.”

Farren studied her human face and her true self that peeked through every so often. “I saw you speaking to Morrisey.” No trace of the living host, though. This traveler had claimed the body as her own.

“Yes. I asked if he would help me find out why my friends were dying or disappearing. I didn’t know he was one of us at the time.”

One of us. “Morrisey never told me about you.” Farren had waited, hoping he wouldn’t have to ask, but Morrisey never volunteered information.

“I asked him not to.”

Farren’s suspicions went on high alert. Although he didn't have the authority or cause to banish her, he could subdue this woman if needed. “Why?”

The woman regarded Farren, eyes slightly narrowed, then stuck out her hand. “Jessalain. You can call me Jessa.”

Farren shook the offered hand. “You kept your old name?”

Jessa took back her hand, slumping on her stool. “Everything else was taken from me. I kept what I could.”

He’d ask later how she came to be in Terra. “Where is Morrisey?”

Jessa curled her upper lip in a snarl. “With the man who thinks he’s my master.”

Master? “Who?”

“He calls himself Asher. He summoned me to be his servant.” Jessa growled low in her throat.

“Did you steal this body?”

Jessa looked away. “Asher made promises he’d no intention of keeping. My host left this body before Asher yanked me from my home and family. But I’ve found a way to leave for brief excursions to others without Asher’s knowledge.”

“You feed on lust and sexual energy.” Farren would get to the body-hopping later. Such a thing shouldn’t be possible without life support. Then again, sharing a body rather than a full takeover might allow Jessa to leave enough essence behind to maintain minimal bodily function. Interesting, and something Farren would need to investigate later.

Jessa threw the challenge back at Farren. “You feed on hate, anger, and murder.”