Tres Chicas had been relatively slow all day, and by seven thirty that night, the last customer was gone. Most people left the slopes and headed straight to their homes or hotels for their holiday festivities. They didn’t spend much time drinking, eating tacos, or hanging out at Tres Chicas that day.
I cleaned up the bar, and by the time I closed everything out, it was almost nine. All the other employees scurried off like mice, eager to get back to their families to begin their celebrations.
Since I didn’t have any plans, I strolled around the village to enjoy the lights and decorations everywhere. Vail knew how to decorate for the holidays. Every tree, shrub, doorway, and window were festooned with tiny lights of every color, adding a perfect glow to the village. It dispelled my sense of gloom for a bit, as I watched fluffy flakes of snow fall softly from the sky, making it the perfect Christmas scene. For an instant, I imagined I was in one of those Christmas snow globes, where everything glistened and sparkled, as it should on this special night.
Completing my circuit of the village, I returned to my building and headed inside. When I stepped in front of my apartment door, two huge boxes sat on the floor. One was wrapped in beautiful, handcrafted Christmas paper and tied with a lovely gold satin bow. The other one was an oblong box embossed with a local florist’s logo. I picked it up first, and it was heavier than expected. I set it on the kitchen table and went to retrieve the second box. It also weighed a ton.
I opened the oblong box first, knowing there would be flowers inside. When I lifted the lid, I gasped. It was clear why the box had been so heavy. It contained several dozens of a variety of flowers. They were positively stunning. The first I noticed were white roses, then there were white tulips, purple hyacinths, forget-me-nots and baby’s breath. My breath jammed in my throat for I had never seen anything so lovely. The fragrance from them radiated into the room and I closed my eyes and smiled. But wait! There was another box. I scrambled to open it and this time I didn’t gasp. I let out a loud cry. Inside sat the most amazing hand-blown vase I’d ever seen. Clear glass with lines of purple and pale pink running down its sides, it was simply gorgeous. In the bottom were clear glass purple marbles to add a bit of effect to the display. I quickly filled the vase with water and then placed all the flowers in it, arranging them as I went along.
As I was placing the flowers in the water, I started to think about what they were and where or who they came from. They had to be from Preston because no one else I knew would dare to send such an extravagant gift. They made quite a statement. White roses meant true love for eternity. I knew that one without a doubt. Baby’s breath also symbolized eternal love. I wasn’t sure about the tulips or the hyacinths, but forget-me-nots had to indicate serious love, just from their name alone.
I dashed to my laptop and ran an internet search. When the results popped in, there was no doubt Preston had sent them. Purple hyacinths were the flower of regret and white tulips were the flower that begged for forgiveness. The whole arrangement told me he loved me and asked for forgiveness at the same time.
I smiled as I stared at it. How could I not? It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever received. No one had given me flowers like this before. No one had given me flowers period, at least not from a romantic interest. I was truly wowed by them.
I picked up the box the vase came in, and it was then I noticed another oblong box and a card at the bottom. I had almost missed them both. The card had my name scrawled across the front in big, bold letters.
Holding it against my chest for a few minutes, I sat there in silence. He’d touched this. He’d held this in his hands and now it was in mine. Was I ready for this? Was I ready to face him and move forward? My body said yes, but what about my mind?
Taking a deep breath, I ripped the envelope open and pulled out the contents.
If you’re reading this, then you’ve received the gifts I sent. I hope you enjoy them, but it’s my deepest wish you understand the meaning behind them.
The regret I live with for having hurt you and lied to you is with me daily. I’ll carry that until the day I die. It was selfish and foolish of me, but the past is the past, and I can’t change what’s been done. The only thing I can do is prove I will do whatever it takes to show you I’ll never lie to you again.
I have never, nor will I ever stop loving you. My feelings of love for you were nothing but sincere. You never leave my thoughts, and I only ask that you see me this one time. If you can find it within your heart to talk to me, maybe we can figure out a way to bridge this gap between us. I’ll do whatever you want. But if you don’t think that’s possible, I’ll understand. Just say the word, and I’ll walk away and never bother you again. I’m in town and staying at the Crystal Ski Lodge. You have my number, so I beg you to call me. I only ask for one chance. Just this once, Avery.
Always yours (whether you want me or not),
I picked up the oblong box and knew what would be nestled inside because it was from Tiffany's. I slowly opened it and yelled, “Oh my God!” Lying on a bed of navy-blue velvet sat a gorgeous diamond bracelet of the likes I’d never seen. My mother owned a ton of jewelry, but nothing like this. There were too many diamonds to count, but it was magnificent. Sitting right next to it was another small card in Preston's handwriting.
This bracelet represents my love for you, always encircling you and never ending.
Yours forever,
It was absurd to think I’d consider saying no. I clutched the letter and box, holding them tightly to my chest, not wanting to release them. Knowing he loved me was one thing. Feeling those words flowing from him was another. My breath huffed and puffed in quick bursts, and I dabbed the moisture from my eyes. What the hell was I waiting for?
My feet scrambled beneath me as I went to jump up. I suddenly laughed at the way I must’ve looked. Wondering if he was outside my window, I ran to take a peek. Not wanting to look like the total loser, I inched the blinds apart to check. He wasn’t there and a huge wave of disappointment hit, making my belly ache.
What should I do? Should I call him? Should I just go over there? Maybe I should surprise him.
Stop overanalyzing this!
Before I lost my nerve, I tugged my jacket, hat, and gloves back on, slipped the oblong box into my pocket, and headed out the door. My feet picked up the pace as I got closer to his hotel. It was only about a ten-minute walk, but I could barely stand it. Before I knew it, I had broken into a jog. That didn’t last too long since I wasn’t what one would call a jogger. I was quickly winded and gasping for oxygen. Spying his hotel in the distance, I slowed my pace, so by the time I got there, I’d be able to breathe again.
When I pushed through the front entrance, I headed straight to one of those hotel phones, but then changed my mind. I texted him instead.
A: Hey, where are you?
P: Room 317.
A: I’m coming up. Is that ok?