Page 81 of Death Wish

“Francen and his girlfriend didn’t give you details?”

“They only told us they needed to get away because Allison was in danger. They didn’t stick around to give details.”

“We helped them escape,” Jesse said. “That’s all.”

Daley and Boudreax exchanged glances. “Interesting and surprising,” Daley said. “I’m not sure I believe you.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Boudreax snapped. “We have a deadline to meet.”

The Special Projects division head glowered over his shoulder at the security chief. “I’m aware.” He handed Simone a piece of paper. “Beckett’s login and password. The name of the project is Death Wish.”

Simone made a face. “Lame name.”

Daley’s handed fisted. “Log in and get to work. You have eighteen hours to complete the program. If you don’t, your boyfriend dies first, then you’ll die whenever I tire of keeping you for myself.”

Jesse stiffened. “Leave her alone, Daley. She’ll do the work faster if you don’t threaten her.”

“We’ll see, won’t we?” Daley grabbed Simone’s hair and jerked her head back. “How much do you love your boyfriend?”

She scowled. “What kind of question is that?”

“Just wondering how much suffering he’ll endure on your account.”

Simone stared. “I love him, Griffin. I don’t want him to suffer at all.”

“Keep that foremost in your mind to help you finish the job as fast as possible. If you delay, Porterfield will pay the price.” He looked at Boudreax. “I think our beautiful Simone needs a demonstration.”

“No!” Simone tried to leap from the chair. “Don’t.”

Daley yanked her back and clamped his hand around her throat. “What did you say to me?”

“Simone,” Jesse said, voice low.

“Jesse.” Her voice broke, sending a spear of pain through his heart.

“Trust me.”

She said nothing more, gaze locked on him.

He gave her a slight nod of approval. Any weakness she gave away to these men, they’d use against her.

“Do it,” Daley ordered Boudreax. “My prize programmer needs a demonstration of the serious consequences of disappointing me.”

“My pleasure,” the security chief said from behind Jesse.

He heard a familiar snap and a split second later, an electric current ripped through his body, locking every muscle and sending pain cascading through him.

As Jesse’s vision went dark, Daley gave the order to stop. Boudreax took his sweet time obeying the command.

Man, being Tased sucked big time. Worse, he was paralyzed until his system rebooted itself. If anything happened to Simone, he wouldn’t be able to help her until he could move, and that might be too late.

“Each time I think you need a reminder, Porterfield will be the recipient of Boudreax’s special attention.”

“This is nothing,” Boudreax bragged. “Just wait until you see what I have in store for your boyfriend the next time.”

“Why are you doing this?” Simone asked. “You need me to help finish a program. That’s my job, isn’t it? You don’t have to threaten us for me to do my job.”

“This is a special project that will sell for millions of dollars.”