Page 82 of Death Wish

“Every computer program I develop has a high price tag. What’s new about that?”

Daley smiled. “This one is not for Dragon Alley.”

“I’m writing a program off the books?”

“That’s right. You’re working for me on this project.”

“Don’t your superiors have a problem using company resources for your own purposes?”

He laughed. “You’re so fast at everything assigned to you, no one will say a word. You’ve already finished your assigned tasks well into next week. No one’s going to notice your absence from the office for a couple of days.”

“How will you explain it?”

“Easy. I’ll tell people I encouraged you to take two days off to become familiar with the area.” Daley released her hair. “Get to work, Simone.”

“Wait. What is this program supposed to do? I can’t work blind.”

“Hack into databases, gather information, and leave a virus behind.”


“What do you care? You’ll be rewarded handsomely for your success or castigated for your failure.”

“I won’t fail.”

“We’ll see.” He gestured toward the bank computer screens. “Get busy. I’ll be back in two hours. If I don’t see significant progress, your boyfriend will suffer.”

“What about me? Am I going to suffer, too?”

“Can’t harm the golden goose. No, I’ll deliver your punishment later.” Daley trailed a finger down Simone’s cheek and neck. “I’m looking forward to it.” With that last threat, he left the room followed by Grant and Boudreax. The door locked behind them.

Simone leaped up and ran across the room to Jesse. She cradled his cheek with her palm. “Are you all right?” Tears glimmered in her eyes.

Although Simone had created a lengthy distraction to give him time to recover, Jesse struggled to speak. “Cameras, bugs,” he whispered.

“I don’t care about that,” she whispered back fiercely. “Are you okay?”

“Takes time.”

“This is terrible, Jesse. It’s not right.” She pressed a gentle kiss to his mouth. “Does this constitute an emergency?”

“Yes. Go. Be fine soon.”

Another kiss, and she returned to the computer station, pressed the emergency button on her watch, and went to work.

How soon would help arrive? Jesse had no way of knowing. Even if help arrived in time, how would the operatives find them in this subterranean maze?

He looked at the concrete walls again and wondered if the signal from Simone’s watch would reach Fortress. No matter. If it didn’t, Artemis and Sawyer would alert Fortress when they didn’t show up tonight. They just had to survive the day.

Jesse handled the muscle spasms in silence, again surveying the room and pinpointing places with items to use as weapons.

Simone stared at the computer screen for long minutes, scrolling down lines of code. Once in a while, she scribbled something on a pad of paper, muttered to herself, and continued reading the screen.

Ninety minutes later, Simone stood and stretched. She walked to the mini fridge and peered inside. She removed two small bottles of water. Opening one, she knelt in front of Jesse. “Want a drink?”

“Was the cap sealed?”

She nodded, then raised the bottle to his mouth so he could drink. When he finished, she set the bottle aside and wrapped her arms around his neck. “How are you?” she murmured.