“Yes,” Ramsey looks at me too. “I know you want us to stop, but we will be okay, and we would rather get you home before we freeze to death in the truck.”

“Okay, you guys know best. I’ll sleep probably though.”

“Baby, you sleep. By the time you wake up we’ll be home.”

It takes another hour before I fall asleep, wrapped in a couple of blankets.

* * *

When I wake, we are through the mountain and on the freeway. “We made it.”

“We sure did, and we are about two hours from home.” Ramsey turns and smiles at me.

The two hours went really slowly, but when we pull up to the clubhouse, my heart starts racing. This is home now.

As soon as I get out of the car, Rosie is rushing up to me. She pulls me into a hug, and I hear her crying. “Meg, I thought we’d lost you. Oh my god it’s so good to see you. I’m so happy these two went against their orders. I know they’ll be in trouble, but if they didn’t then we wouldn’t have found you for another few days or at all.”

“My men knew what to do.” I smile at her.

“Yes, we need to talk about that too.” She winks at me.

“Yes, we do.”

Tyler comes rushing out and he grabs me and pulls me into his chest. “Meg, oh my god. I thought... I thought it was the last time I was going to see you. Never do that again. Always tell us if there's a threat. We can deal with it for you. That’s what we are here for.”

“I know but I panicked and didn’t want him to hurt anyone I love.”

“But you were vulnerable. He hurt you instead.” Tyler kisses me on the top of my head as he holds me tight into this chest. “We need to talk about Cash and Ramsey too. Don’t think you’re getting away with that discussion either.”

“Don’t blame them. I love them both. I know they’re your brothers, but they only did what they did because they needed to get to me.”

“I’m not talking about that. I'm talking about you being with two of my brothers and me not knowing about it.” He growls.

“I didn’t think it was a secret, or were you too busy fucking and drinking at the parties to notice they were always talking to me.”

“Talking? That’s not what I’m worried about here, Meg.”

“Look Ty, I love them, and they love me. I’m moving into the clubhouse until we find our own place. So, you’d better get used to seeing me with BOTH of them.”

He smiles. “The way they ignored Prez’s orders to get you, made them perfect for you.” He turns to face Cash and Ramsey. “Brothers.”

“Do we have a problem here?” Cash asks, going on the defensive as usual.

“No, brother. Thanks for saving her.”

“She’s our woman, we weren’t going to let her go easily.” Ramsey is always territorial.

“I know and thanks.” Tyler walks off.

Cash and Ramsey come to me and both of them hug me, putting me in my favorite place in the world – sandwiched between them.

“Let’s get you inside, the doc is here to check you over.” Cash kisses me before pulling away.

“Church!” Razor shouts.

“I knew it wouldn’t be long before you got into trouble.” I look at my men and kiss them both. “I’ll be with Rosie and the Doc. Go. Take whatever he is dishing out for going against him.”

Ramsey smiles. “You know you’re perfect for us, right?”