“Yes, little girl.” He gently pinched her punished behind. “I remember, and I want you, too, but…”
She twisted as his words trailed away. “But what?”
Suddenly, it didn’t seem to matter that she was the one naked and flung over him, that he’d had the audacity to hurt her, or that she’d been crazy enough to find the acts alluring. All that mattered was the burning need between her legs and why he was abruptly so reticent to scratch the itch for her.
“What’s wrong?” Finally able to wiggle from his grasp, she clambered to the floor and spun around to face him on her knees. “Why don’t you want me?”
His apparent rejection stung, even though deep down, she knew her reaction made no sense. Tucker was right, for fuck’s sake. She shouldn’t want him, shouldn’t want any part of this, and she certainly shouldn’t have communicated the fact that she did to him.
“Ella.” Expression softening, his large hand reached for her face.
She closed her eyes out of instinct, expecting some sort of physical rebuke, but to her surprise, his fingers merely grazed the sides of her cheek. Her gaze flickered open, and damn her, but she had to tangibly resist the urge to lean into his palm—the same hand that had bound and spanked her.
“Of course I want you.” He leaned closer until his warm breath skimmed her collarbone. “Look at you, little girl. You’re fucking beautiful. How can any man not want you?”
Pulling in a shaky breath, her gaze followed his as it raked over her breasts. She did have a lovely body, but as a result, she wasn’t used to rejection where sex was concerned.
“Then what’s the issue?” Hurt simmered in her voice as she tried to understand his refutation.
“I’m just trying to look out for you.” A deeper furrow appeared in his handsome brow.
As she dragged her gaze over his face, she couldn’t deny that he was handsome. Refusing him would have been so much easier if he wasn’t so appealing, but God help her, she was weak. Tucker’s charm and aesthetic had captured her.
“I should never have let things happen between us.”
“But you did,” she snapped, aware of the embarrassment burning in her face.
How had she been so stupid?
She’d allowed herself to believe in the feelings swirling in her mind. She’d told him that she wanted him. Hell, maybe after he’d rescued her from the bear and cooked her the soup, she was even starting to fall for him? Tucker was right. None of this should ever have happened. But neither one of them had called time on the proceedings. Until now.
“You did let them happen, sir.” Just like I did. The accusations ripped like blades inside of her. “And now you’re trying to put me off.”
“Then I’m a fucking idiot.” His hand slipped back to her nape and urged her toward him.
She shuffled forward awkwardly on her knees, knowing she should deny him, yet welcoming his attention, nevertheless. If she had to be there—cast out into the wilderness and away from civilization—then she wanted the distraction of his heat, his muscular body, and his cock.
“Forgive me, little girl.”
“Do you want me, sir?” Her toes curled at her plaintive plea, but for some ridiculous reason she couldn’t put her finger on, she was desperate for his approval. Naturally, the need at her sex only implored her to continue.
“You know I do.” Closing the remaining distance between them, his brow rested gently on hers. “More than you fucking know.”
“Then take me.” Her hand rose to his jaw, her fingertips skimming through his soft, dark stubble. It was just the right length. Long enough not to tickle, yet not so long that it was untidy. Briefly, she wondered how he kept it trimmed in the middle of the woods. “Please, sir.” She could hardly believe she was begging him for rapture. “I need this.”
Rising to his enormous height, he swept her from her knees and laid her gently on the covers of his bed. She winced as her punished skin contacted with the bedding, but as he edged his pants down his hips, her gaze was drawn to his long, thick shaft. She clenched at the look of its velvety crown. That was what she wanted.
“You’re sure?” His tone was hesitant even as he climbed onto the bed and settled between her outstretched thighs. His pants clung to his thighs, but the rest of him was gloriously naked. Reaching up to his strapping shoulders, she ran her fingertips over his strong shoulder muscles. “Because if you’ve changed your mind, then…” His brows knitted. “I’d understand.” His cock throbbed between her legs as he spoke, protesting its complaint at his words.
“I’m sure, sir.” Pressing her head against his covers, she stared up into his big blue eyes. “I want you inside me.”
“I still don’t have any condoms…” Concern gleamed in his eyes as he concentrated on her response. “But I did clean myself up before I tackled the soup.”
“I know.” She groaned, bucking her hips forward to meet his eager dick. She hadn’t seen him freshen up, but then she’d been in a rather brutal position at the time. “And I know I should care more about the condoms, but…”
Time stretched as she tried to reconcile the sentence she couldn’t complete. Could she really consent to sex again without any contraception? She was smarter than that, wasn’t she? Last time, he’d withdrawn before he came, but she didn’t know what diseases he might have.
“But you don’t care?” His eyebrow arched as he slowly lowered over her body, pressing his palms into the blankets on either side of her head. “Is that what you’re saying?”