“I should care.” Her voice sounded distant. “But…”
Locking gazes with him, her throat dried. Tucker was so fucking sexy. His eyes seared her, and if she forgot the kidnapping, ropes, and rabbit pie, she could easily be lulled into believing his expression was that of the dark, brooding protector she’d always secretly longed for.
Daddy issues.
The concept flitted through her mind like a balloon on a breeze. Why did everything come back to Alexander? She was a grown woman with access to money and plenty of opportunities. The fact she was so vexed at the loss of a decent father appeared to be her downfall, however much she wished it wasn’t so.
“I get it.” His gaze burned into her skin. “Don’t worry. I’ll pull out before I come, and…”
Lifting her head from the bed, Ella swallowed his words. She appreciated his concerns, but the passion rising inside her was insatiable, and it easily subdued their collective sense of unease. If Tucker didn’t do something soon to put her flames out, she would spontaneously combust.
“Woah.” His brow rose at her proactive kiss. “Calm down. You’re my captive, remember? I decide when we kiss.” Dark clouds gathered in his eyes, the look of them sending the butterflies in her tummy zooming in all directions.
“Yes, sir.” She bit back her smile.
She should still be intimidated by him, and deep in the darkest confines of her mind, she realized she was. She had been scared before in the forest and again when she’d woken up spread-eagled to his bed, but somehow, she couldn’t muster fear anymore. Lust was making her crazy, as though its madness was swallowing her whole, and if his cock didn’t spear her in the next few minutes, she might just lose her mind completely.
“Okay.” His voice rasped as his cocktip grazed her slick lips. “You’re going to get what you want.”
Thank God.
Her mouth parted at the sensation of his shaft skimming her sex, her hands rising in surrender until they fell on either side of her head. His cock taunted her, almost giving her what she wanted, then trailing away. She writhed under his hard body, lost to the possessive glint in his eyes. She had never known a passion like this. No other man had come close to inspiring such a frenzied desire.
“Yes.” She barely recognized her own voice as he pushed an inch inside her. Her back arched, wanting more than he offered. She craved every inch of his throbbing shaft. “Yes, please.”
“But first…” Tucker drew away to her disappointed groan.
Why was he torturing her? He’d said he wanted her, and his shaft certainly confirmed his arousal. So, what was the problem?
“First, what?” She blinked up at him as her hips rolled up to contact with his hard body.
“First, you beg me.” Vanity echoed in his dark gaze as first one, then his second hand shifted to gently pin down her upturned palms.
A carnal noise escaped her lips as he ratcheted up her submission, and at that moment, she accepted there wasn’t much he could demand that she wouldn’t cede to have what she wanted.
“Beg for my cock.”
“Beg you?” Why did that sound so good? “You want me to beg, sir?”
“You’re damn right I do.” His cock pressed at her wet entrance, tempting her with what she most sought. “If you want me, you’ll learn to beg.”
Chapter Twenty-Two
The look of her was astonishing. Almost as tantalizing as the way her warm, soft body felt as it undulated beneath him. He should have just fucked her, should have lunged deep inside her juicy cunt and taken what they both wanted, but before push came to shove, another thought had leaped into his mind.
The dynamic between him and Ella had been fraught at the best of times, and it was obvious, although perhaps unsurprising, that a child of Bennett would be as willful and demanding as their father was, but in recent hours, Tucker had sensed their energies shifting.
Ella seemed to be getting comfortable.
Ironically, that had been what he wanted when he’d carried her out of his home and showed her his mother’s nightshades. He’d sought ease and supplication, choosing not to bind her for the first time as they perched in the moss, but as she’d later sat by the fire, the simmering defiance in her eyes had only intensified.
The way she’d spoken to him, her curt tone and dismissal of his honorific, had been the final straw. He hadn’t exactly laid down a myriad of difficult and perplexing rules since her arrival, but he had asked her to offer him the deference of calling him ‘sir’.