Page 75 of Vicious Throne

Slipping onto the couch beside her, I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”

Again, my voice broke, and this time, she broke with me. My heart cracked at the gut-wrenching sobs, but I didn’t move a muscle. Ash had just had the ground ripped out from under her. I’d be her rock until she could stand on her own two feet again.

Her teary eyes lifted, focusing on Nate. “Did he—was he cheating? At the parties, I mean.”

“No. He never touched anyone else.”

She shuddered in my arms, and I could feel her sad relief. It killed me that she was worried about that, but then again, why wouldn’t she be? If he could lie to and deceive me, was cheating all that unfathomable? Was it really so farfetched to wonder?

“I’ll take you for an STI test, if you want.”


“Dr. Grant will meet us at home.”

Her nod was hesitant, but she seemed steadier with the news that she’d get what she needed soon. After one more hug, Ash stood, wiping her cheeks with angry swipes. “I need to hear it.”

“Hear what?”

“Everything. I need to hear it all from his lips.”

I winced. “We can record?—”

“No. Use me.” She glared down at me, but I knew her anger wasn’t directed at me. “We both have things we need to hear from him, so use me to get his confession. I’ll play along however you need until we get what we want. Then I’m done.”

I felt the finality, her desperation to leave this world behind and start over. Living with O’Bannon hadn’t broken her, but loving a liar had, and it killed me. I never should’ve asked her to do this. Knowing that I’d caused one of my best friends to suffer was agony. I didn’t know if it was possible, but if I could grant her a normal life, I would. She’d more than earned it.

“That could work,” Nate said, sitting next to me and rubbing a hand along my back. “He won’t be expecting Ash to work against him.”

“It may take a few days,” I warned. “Can you handle being around him until then?”

“You know the house I grew up in. I’m a very skilled actor.”

I hadn’t; I just hated that she was falling back on who she was then to survive in my family. It wasn’t supposed to be this way, but it was, and we had to make peace with it or suffer worse. “Okay. We’ll get him.”

With another nod, Aislynn left to get her bag and recenter herself before walking back into the lion’s den. The only reason I was okay with her going was because Cameron was injured and she was on guard. If he went for her, I had no doubt she’d shoot to kill.

I was still staring down the hallway she’d disappeared into when Rafael came back out to the living room. He seemed older than he had before, wearier too. “Are you okay, Uncle?”

He smiled, but it was a little lost. “As much as I can be.”

“And the Wolf?”

His mouth tightened. “The same.”

So, no help there. Walking to the windows, I gazed down on the city I loved, wondering if I had to make a deal with the devil to save it. The reminder of my newest not-quite ally, not-quite enemy sent my thoughts whirling.

I had a cartel expert in front of me. It was time to use him.

“What do you think of Paez?”

I appreciated that Rafael took the time to consider the question before answering. “He’s ruthless, but aren’t we all? If you’re asking if he’s a good man, I’m not really sure anyone with the power we have is, but he’s certainly not the worst. Why?”

“He offered me an alliance.”

Again, Rafael thought about it. “Maybe it’s a good thing.”
