Page 74 of Vicious Throne

Shaking my head, I looked at my friends. “What do you think?”

“I’m fine.” Shara shrugged, trying to play it cool like she wasn’t drooling over the men, but Ash shook her head.

“I’m not going anywhere without Cameron.”

Fuck. My heart squeezed, and I knew there was no avoiding it now. Aislynn had to know.

Turning to Shara, I gave her my blessing. “If you’re okay with it, get your stuff packed. I want you out of the city by dark.”

She nodded, sweeping me up into a hug. “I’ll be okay.”

But would I be when it was over?

I clung to her, stealing her strength to get me through this talk. “Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Twisting to Rafael, I pinned him with a glare. “I’m trusting Christian because I still trust you to a point. I expect you to make sure that trust isn’t misplaced.”

Translation, if your son or his second hurts my friend, I’ll kill you, them, and everyone you love.

“They’ll both be perfect gentlemen,” he promised with a hard look toward them. Adrien laughed, but I saw Christian bristle, and I filed it away for later.

The three men stepped into the hallway where the bedrooms were, leaving Ash and Shara with us.

“I just have to grab my bag, and then you can take me home.”

“Aislynn…” I grabbed her hand, stopping her from leaving too. “We need to talk.”

“What is it? Is something wrong with Cameron? I knew I shouldn’t have left him?—”

“It’s not that.” I sighed, running a hand through my hair and realizing I just had to come out with it. Spill the secret into the air and hope to hell it didn’t blow up in my face. “Cameron’s working with Cash.”

Ash froze like I’d pressed pause on her before she pursed her lips. “Did he tell you that?”

“No. Ace did.”


“Nate’s father.”

She frowned. “Who’s to say he wasn’t messing with you? Lying to get you to kill the only person left in your corner?”

Nate cleared his throat, dragging our attention his way. “I saw him. All the nights he went to see Cash, I was there.”

“Prove it.”

He pulled out one of his phones and dropped it on the table. “Check the photos.”

Aislynn’s hand shook when she grabbed it, though her brow was an angry slash that slackened with every swipe. By the time the phone slipped from her fingers, she had tears in her eyes.

“I don’t believe you,” she whispered, but it was a lie. I could see the devastation in her expression. She believed it; she just didn’t want to.

“Ash.” My voice broke, agony invading my chest when I reached for her, and she slapped my hand away.

“No! I don’t believe him. There’s no way Cameron would do this to us.” She turned away, breathing deeply. When she faced me again, the faint shimmer of tears in her eyes was gone, replaced by fierce determination. “He loves you. He loves me. I can’t—I won’t believe this.”

I reached for her again, but she was already sinking down on the couch, dropping her head in her hands and whispering to herself over and over, “It can’t be true. It can’t.”