Page 40 of Vicious Throne

“We need to vet his people and restrict his access, but it has to be done quietly.”

“He’s going to know,” Dominic said, spinning a pen in his fingers while he thought. “He knows everyone here, and while most of them are great liars, they’re terrible actors. If he finds out too soon…”

There was no explanation needed. If Cameron found out we knew, he’d become even more unpredictable and that meant dangerous. He could disappear. That wouldn’t be bad, but what if he took Ash with him? There was no doubt in my mind she had nothing to do with this, but that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t use her as a get-out-of-jail-free card. He knew I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.

“What about the kid?” Tennessee asked, still a little shell-shocked. “The one you brought back from jail.”

Dominic nodded as he thought it over. “He’s been inside for years, so Cameron would assume any weirdness would be him acclimating to the outside again. It could work.”

“Would he do it?” Dominic was the only one who really knew Killer well enough to answer that question.

His nod was firm. “Absolutely. It’s pretty clear that he’d do anything for this family.”

“Make it happen.”

He nodded and slipped out of the room to hunt him down, leaving Nate, Greyson, and me with our devastated friends.

“We’ll do our part,” Moore promised, squeezing his husband’s shoulder gently. “We won’t let him get away with this.”

I smiled sadly. “I know.”

Tennessee cleared his throat. “What should we do if we find anyone in on it?”

“What you think is right. I don’t need another knife in my back.”

For the first time since I met him, I was grateful Sean O’Bannon was an arrogant, prideful fuck. He thought his sentries were enough to guard his home from me. He thought he was safe with Cash’s men in his pocket. He thought the police would protect him.

He forgot that no one held a candle to a pissed-off Marcosa. I was like a fucking ghost in his halls, slicing through every man I saw until bodies left a trail at my feet and a wide-open path inside.

“Is it wrong that I’m turned on right now?” Dominic asked quietly as we walked up the steps and entered through the front door. Greyson shook his head at my side, but Nate’s laugh buoyed me farther into the house.

The most common, critical mistake of made men was not putting a guard rotation inside their homes, and O’Bannon was no different. Grey and Nate each slipped down the side halls, circling back when they’d cleared the bottom floor, while I went upstairs with Dominic at my back. Normally, I’d be in the thick of it with them, but tonight was a show for those little red dots on every corner.

“Security office?” I asked quietly. The crackle of the comms unit in my ear preceded Grey.

“Dealt with. The guard was asleep at the desk anyway.”

“Congrats to him,” Dominic murmured. I had to agree. Everyone else died painfully, but that idiot got a peaceful goodbye out of sheer luck.

I trailed slowly down the hall, letting Dominic peel away to check rooms as we went. There was no need for stealth when the only men still alive in the house were O’Bannon and his son, and we’d deal with the whelp later.

Décor shifted from gaudy to obscene the closer we got to Sean’s wing, and the amount of glitter and glitz he’d thrown on the walls made me want to gouge my eyes out. It was obvious he didn’t understand the word understated, and I wondered again how he could be Aislynn’s father. It didn’t make a lick of sense.

When we found the most offensive door in the place, we paused, waiting for the others. Only when I had all of my men around me did I enter Sean’s room.

A glance around showed Casanova was his only design inspiration. To avoid seeing something that would haunt my nightmares, I kept my eyes focused on the figure in the bed. Loud snores shuddered through him as he lay flat on the mattress, a sleep apnea mask fastened onto his face and the sheets dangerously close to sliding off his naked body. No one else was in the bed with him, though the used condom I sidestepped suggested he’d had a friend over earlier.

“Jesus, that’s disgusting,” Grey whispered, wrinkling his nose. Nate patted him on the shoulder.

“There, there, buddy. It’ll be over soon.”

Yes, it would.

The men fanned out around me, waiting to see what I’d do.

Originally, I’d planned to slit his throat while he slept, but I found myself curious. What would he say if I gave him the chance for last words? Would he finally be useful, or would he die a fucking idiot?

Deciding to test fate, I ripped the sleep apnea mask off his face. For a moment, nothing happened.